Download Zoobe – cartoon voice messages Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Zoobe – cartoon voice messages APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Zoobe – cartoon voice messages is a free Entertainment app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Zoobe – cartoon voice messages APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.15 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Zoobe – cartoon voice messages then you may visit zoobe message entertainment GmbH support center for more information
All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Zoobe – cartoon voice messages is the property and trademark from the developer zoobe message entertainment GmbH.
Welcome to Zoobe: the future for mobile and social media communication. With Zoobe you can create and share amazing animated video messages. Our app’s new makeover makes for our most exciting user experience yet. Record your voice into your phone and select one of our 80 famous avatars who will act out your words and emotions as a video clip. You can then send these videos as messages to your friends as a file via your smartphone or share the links online. Need some inspiration? Charm and amuse your loved ones by sending one of our ready-to-go Zoobe messages!
Every month millions of Zoobes are shared across the world proving we’re a leading mobile communication platform whose community is growing everyday. These Zoobe messages feature an all-star 3D character cast: Mavis from Hotel Transylvania 2™, Slimer from Ghostbusters™, Paddington Bear, Om Nom from Cut the Rope, Ryu from Street Fighter®, Maya the Bee™, Vic the Viking™, Angela Merkel, the cute Bunny and other famous avatars including Aunjai, the official mascot of AIS (Thailand\’s biggest telecom company). Join Zoobe, be part of the future.
Don’t get stuck using pictures and smileys. Be different – try our revolutionary twist on mobile messaging.
• Choose from +80 characters, including 15 world-famous faces.
• Record your voice and watch a character react to your mood.
• Bring the scene to life with an animated background or personal photo.
• Share your creations as link or as a file with friends using any messaging app, Twitter, Facebook, email & SMS.
• Create Zoobes with your smartphone and your 7\’\’ or 10\’\’ tablet in seconds.
• Brace yourself for laughs and smiles!
Get creative. Zoobe messages are perfect for any occasion.
√ Send a birthday, graduation or wedding celebration with a difference. Use our world-famous faces!
√ Flatmates haven’t cleaned up? Friend turned you down? Vent your anger… in a charming way.
√ Apologize for being late, missing a dinner, or forgetting to give a morning kiss. They’ll forgive you.
√ Someone having a bad day? This is where Zoobe really shines. Put a smile on their face. Guaranteed.
Guess what? We have lots of new characters on the way.
Stay up to date with us on:
Facebook – www.facebook.com/zoobe
Twitter – www.twitter.com/zoobeapp
Subscribe to our newsletter – bit.ly/zoobeNL
You can also drop us a line with a question, suggestion or simple “hello” anytime at [email protected]zoobe.com.
© Studio 100 Animation – ™ Studio 100 – www.maya.tv – www.studio100.eu – Based on the books written by Waldemar Bonsels “Maya the Bee”
© P&Co.Ltd./SC 2014. Licensed on behalf of Studiocanal S.A. by Copyrights Group.
© Cut the Rope and Om Nom are the trademarks of ZeptoLab UK Limited. ©2015. All rights reserved.
© 2015 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.
TM & © 2015 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. All Rights Reserved.
File size: 25.35MB
Requires: Android Varies with device+
Package Name: com.zoobe.zoobecam
Developer: zoobe message entertainment GmbH
Updated: January 27, 2017
Price: Free
Rate 4.15 stars – based on 98882 reviews