Download Z Champions Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Z Champions 1.5.398 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Z Champions is a free Arcade game.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Z Champions 1.5.398 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.70 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Z Champions is the property and trademark from the developer Sansonight.
A new engine (game engine) is currently being developed to make the game much more versatile, with different characters and graphically better. As a result, after the next update (22-23 / 08 / 2017 ) I will completely focus on the new game engine with a delay in releasing updates. I ask you patience while waiting and continue to support the Z CHAMPIONS project just by playing and having fun!
Thanks a lot to everyone.
Developer: Andrea Sansone
Become one of the most powerful Z champions in the Dragon Tournament. Choose from 31 different fighters and compare with other champions to prove to be the strongest. Unlock new champions, moved between 13 different worlds, transformed to increase your Ki power and spin your ultimate. Run the combos to get more chance of winning. Practice with PRACTICE mode, fight with SINGLEPLAYER mode, play with minigames and complete the 7 SURVIVAL mode battles.
– Movement
– Punch
– Kick
– Charge Off
– Block
– Energy Attack
– Transform
F = Forward, when you move toward the opponent;
B = Back when you move away from your opponent;
P = Punch button;
K = Kick Button;
E = Energy Attack button;
S = Block button;
Each champion has its own ultimate consuming the entire Ki. There are some combos, which like the ultimate, require a certain amount of Ki and are the same for all the champions:
Teleport = S + B;
Repulse Shield = S + F;
The game is still under development. Future updates will include new champions, new costumes and new combos. Stay tuned.
Version: 1.5.398
File size: 58.52MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.Sansonight.ZChampionsTournament
Developer: Sansonight
Updated: May 28, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 4.70 stars – based on 82875 reviews