Download Yodha My Astrology & Horoscope Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Yodha My Astrology & Horoscope 5.7.8 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Yodha My Astrology & Horoscope is a free Lifestyle app.
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The average rating is 4.70 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Yodha My Astrology & Horoscope then you may visit Personal predictions based on your birth chart support center for more information
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Why settle for an ordinary daily horoscope for today by zodiac signs when you can have access to authentic astrologers from Nepal? With the Yodha My Astrology app, there are no visits no calls. Ask Real astrologers anything you want!
With the FREE Yodha app you\’ll enjoy:
– Immediate access to your personal astrologer on the go, anytime, anywhere
– Ease of use – your answer is just a click away
– Free weekly, daily horoscope predictions for all 12 zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces on special events
– Only professional Vedic astrologers from Nepal
– Quality customer service
How does it work?
– Create a profile with your birth details
– Ask a question
– An astrologer will create your birth chart and make a prediction
– Receive a personal prediction based on the ancient Vedic Astrology knowledge
You may ask anything you want, the stars have a powerful influence on all areas of your life.
Be it about love, relationship, compatibility…
– When and where will I fall in love and get married?
– Does the one I love love me back? I want to test my relationship compatibility
– What is the love compatibility with my boyfriend?
– Is my Ex love still in love with me? Will we get back together this year 2015?
– Is he playing with my heart? What is my love compatibility prediction?
Daily activities, plans and decisions to be made…
– What is going to happen in my life today? How should I prepare?
– Am I going to pass my math exam, test today?
– Should I buy that house in Palo Alto? What is the best place to live according to my birth chart?
– Today I am visiting my parents. What\’s in store for me at this meeting?
– How can I plan for the upcoming workday so that it goes as smoothly as possible?
Purpose in life, wellness, personal horoscope, star sign and more…
– What is my true calling? What does my birth chart say?
– What is my Vedic zodiac sign? Because I\’ve heard zodiac signs like sagittarius taurus cancer leo aries gemini pisces aquarius capricorn virgo libra and scorpio are different in Vedic astrology.
– Is my horoscope sign always correct about my personality? I act more like a different zodiac star sign! Is this normal?
– What is my love compatibility sign according to my birth chart?
– What does my daily love horoscope look like for today and weekly for the upcoming week?
– What is my horoscope prediction for 2015?
– According to birth chart everyone has a purpose in life? How do I know what is mine?
– I want to change everything about my life right now. Where should I start?
Vedic astrology has been around for centuries and today is extremely popular in modern Nepal and India. It is the time-honored, traditional astrological art of ancient culture and has been continually developed and refined since primordial times. Also, today, Vedic astrology is an integral discipline of study related to medicine and history in Nepali and Indian Universities.
Vedic comes from the word \”Veda\”, which means \”knowledge\”. The Vedas are the oldest and most significant scriptures in Hindu spirituality, documented by ancient seers called Rishis. The Vedas tap into the mechanics of creation and are daily used in contemplation and deep meditation. Vedic astrology is also called Jyotish, which means eye of Veda, light of the star. 12 zodiac signs, known as star signs – aries, aquarius, cancer, capricorn, gemini, libra, leo, virgo, pisces, scorpio, sagittarius, taurus have similar names to ones in Western astrology, but calculated and used in a different way.
Astrologers do a deep analysis of person\’s time cycles related to the birth chart and horoscope zodiac sign which can help them to predict the future before it happens. Vedic astrology unlike Western and Chinese astrology has been never fatalistic in nature. It merely warns and suggests positive ways to avoid obstacles by making life changes. The ongoing daily guidance of a Vedic astrologer can be indispensable.
Version: 5.7.8
File size: 12.11MB
Requires: Android 4.4+
Package Name: com.astroid.yodha
Developer: Personal predictions based on your birth chart
Updated: August 01, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.70 stars – based on 96241 reviews