Download Xmodgames-game assistant Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Xmodgames-game assistant 2.2.8 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Xmodgames-game assistant is a free Tools app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Xmodgames-game assistant 2.2.8 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.11 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Xmodgames-game assistant is the property and trademark from the developer Xmodplay Team.
Xmodgames provides best free mods for more than 30 games,such as clash of calns(coc), minecraft (MCPE), Beach Boom, AgarIo, Subway, tiles piano 2,COK and many more.
Free modding tools for COC
what Xmod can do for coc: Guard your village, Save elixir, gold, dark Elixir and gem, Visible Traps, Test attack before real attack, Be the ultimate clasher.
★Xmodgames Features for coc
1.Sandbox Combo Templates
2.Dead Base Search
–Used for finding the base that have a great deal of resource in Gold Mine/Elixir Collector/Dark Elixir Collector.
3.Search Loot
–Used for finding ideal base for resource raid.
–The number of Gold/Elixir/Dark Elixir/Town Hall Level/the distance between TownHall and the edge of map/trophy of enemy can be set in Search Loot.
4.Copy Player\’s Layout.
5.Sandbox From Replay
–Used for finding strategy to win 3-star Battle War
–Enemy Traps can be seen in Replay
6.Sandbox Attack.
–Used for finding strategy to win 3-star Battle War
–Your own troops/ your castle troops/ Enemy Castle Troops/Spells can be set in random in Sandbox Attack.
7.Real Time Trap
–Used for seeing traps in Real Attack/Battle.
–3-Star battle log can be guaranteed.
8.Keep Active
–Used for protecting your base from being attacked by others.then you needn\’t use coc shield
Minecraft PE
Free Minecraft Texture, TMI & Building Mod with Skins, Redstones, Crafting Guide & Map Seeds in the future.
★Free MCPE Master xmod
1.Building Mod
–It helps you to build faster.
2.Adjust Character Level
–Get more levels for better enchantment and potion use.
3.Teleport/Add Items/Backpack Management in Server.
4.TMI (Core Settings & Action Features)
-Day/Night Switch,Weather Control,Survival/Creative Switch,Item Multiplier x64,Block Breaker,Invincible: Infinite HP;
-Super Jump,Sprint,Fly
5.Add Item (TMI Select Items)
6.Backpack Management
7.Field of View
–Players can use the zooming(sniper)and wide-angle feature for different purposes like photography, video making, adventure expedition, archery, etc. It also works in server.
8.Instantly Spawn Mobs
★Xmodgames feature of Agar xmod
1.DIY Skin &Make Selfies
2.Widen Your Vision
3.One Click to Change Skin
4.Rainbow Mod
–Cell\’s background color will change from time to time.
5.No Grid
–Get rid of grids in the background.
Boom Beech
★Doom Beach mod features:
1.Keep active
2.Simulate attack (Test attack before real attack)
3.Magma Statue Effect Test
4.Simulate Statues Building
5.Diving Visible
Tips & tricks for
tiles piano and tiles piano 2( dont tap the white tile ), help you get more coins and unlock more songs, Be the professional pianist;
★ Supported languages:
Available in English (UK and US),English, Português(Brasil),Pусский, Español, Bahasa Indonesia
Learn more about Xmod, please visit our official website: http://www.xmodgames.com/
Version: 2.2.8
File size: 10.02MB
Requires: Android 2.3+
Package Name: com.xmodgamespro
Developer: Xmodplay Team
Updated: February 28, 2016
Price: Free
Rate 4.11 stars – based on 1682 reviews