
Download X431_iDiag Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.

We provide X431_iDiag 2.01.004 APK file for Android 3.0+ and up.
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Android application software for X431 iDiag is a telematic application together with vehicle trouble diagnosis and vehicle maintanence news communication based on Android operation system.
X431 iDiag is new vehicle trouble diagnosis equipment based on the internet and mobile terminals developed by launch for its over twenty years\’ experience in diagnosis. This connector, connected through the bluetooth on Android terminals, can achieve the vehicle trouble diagnosis of full vehicle s and systems. Besides, it compromises the application advantage of internet, sets a maintanence documents and case base, provides instant maintanence news, makes IM for vehicle Maintanence communication, achieve remote vehicle diagnosis, creats a vehicle diagnosis circle, and offers many other vehicle maintanence services such as sharing the vehicle maintanence knowledge and experience.
you can free download and install the iDiag application, experiencing the best trouble diagnostic application for smart vehicle of mobile-internet full of creative. If you need the latest vehicle trouble diagnostic technology, you can buy a portable iDiag diagnostic connector through the ebay website:http://stores.ebay.com/launchofficialstore/. With this connector, connected with your smart phone or tablet PC, you can achieve vehicle diagnosis and many other internet functions intergrated by the application product.
Also you can make a full knowledge of the detail information and sales service of the product from the prodcut line website http://www.x431.com/ and our official website: http://www.cnlaunch.com

Version: 2.01.004

File size: 29.36MB

Requires: Android 3.0+

Package Name: com.cnlaunch.x431idiag

Developer: LAUNCH TECH CO., LTD.

Updated: November 15, 2017

Price: Free

Rate 3.73 stars – based on 1071 reviews