Download Writeaday: Minimalist Journal Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Writeaday: Minimalist Journal 3.1.2 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Writeaday: Minimalist Journal is a free Lifestyle app.
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Writeaday is a beautiful way to write about your day: your ideas, how you feel, what you did.
Hi, we\’re Aday Labs. We built writeaday because we wanted to quickly jot down notes in a journal throughout the day. We didn\’t want to spend 30 minutes at the end of the day to write, and we definitely didn\’t want a bland interface for our colorful thoughts.
When we first experimented with journaling, we noticed something. There wasn\’t some drastic change in our lives, but to each of us, journaling started to feel like it was clearing our minds. By simply writing down what we were thinking, we felt a sense of catharsis, as if we were taking a load off of our shoulders.
When you\’re writing in writeaday, you\’ll notice each weekday is a different gradient. It\’s not random. Each day is for 1 color of the rainbow – your weekly rainbow. It will motivate you to write more just so the colors fill more of that gradient. We\’ve taken the extremely effective concept of \”keeping a streak\” and turned it into a color gradient form.
If you\’ve been to a yoga class, you might recall the instructor asking you to set an intention. It\’s an aim or purpose you would like to commit to. In writeaday, you can open up a side drawer to add your daily focus. Just commit to one thing. Tim Ferriss taught us to ask the question, \”What is one thing that would make today great?\”
You can call it a journal or a diary, but in the end it\’s all just some way to Write(about)aday.
Version: 3.1.2
File size: 13.22MB
Requires: Android 5.0+
Package Name: com.compscieddy.writeaday
Developer: Appaday
Updated: March 11, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.40 stars – based on 4238 reviews