Download Wrestling Revolution Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Wrestling Revolution 2.040 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Wrestling Revolution is a free Sports game.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Wrestling Revolution 2.040 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.30 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Wrestling Revolution is the property and trademark from the developer MDickie.
\”Leagues ahead of its major league counterparts.\” – Bullz-Eye ★★★★★
Gaming\’s biggest wrestling universe is back and bigger than ever – now featuring over 350 characters and as many of them in the ring as your device can handle! And the revolutionary touch-screen controls are as satisfying as ever, as you tap, pinch, and swipe for intuitive fighting. This game harks back to the genre\’s 16-bit heyday where the fun comes first, and the versatile animation system means that anything could happen at any time!
Create your own immortal superstar and embark on an endless career full of possibilities, as you attempt to make the right moves backstage as well as in the ring. Or simply blow off steam in \”Exhibition\” matches of your own creation – where YOU make the rules, pick the players, and design the arena! Upon turning \”Pro\”, your editing privileges even extend to saving your changes to all 9 rosters.
* Virtual buttons are available in the \”Options\”. Please play through the tutorial for full instructions.
– TOUCH anywhere in the arena to walk towards it.
– SWIPE to run or trigger moves.
– TAP your opponent to attack that part of their body.
– PINCH to grab or pick-up.
– PART your fingers to taunt, pin, or cancel an action.
– Touch the clock to PAUSE the game, and then the arrow to EXIT.
– To set fire to a handheld weapon, press the R (Run) and P (Pick-Up) buttons simultaneously next to one on the ground. This torch can then be used to set fire to a larger item using the same command.
– Touch either side of a value or box to browse its contents left or right.
– When selecting characters, touching their slot once will display their stats and touching again will proceed to access them. Touch the company logo to choose a different roster.
– Hold your finger over a character slot to move it and switch with another. Move it to the company logo to switch rosters.
– At the calendar screen, touch any date to view its contents. Touch your character to edit them, touch their stats to train them, touch the company logo to view the whole roster, touch the match title to see an exact description of the rules.
– When setting up an exhibition, touch a character to replace them and touch the match title to change the rules. From that screen, touch the table icon to add weapons and touch the ring icon to edit the arena.
– Touch any speech bubbles to speed up conversations. Touch any other static screen to proceed as soon as possible.
– If you know your device can only handle a certain number of wrestlers onscreen, please specifiy this limitation in the \”Display\” options. Consider turning off secondary characters as well.
– If you find that your device struggles when viewing the many character slots, consider switching to \”Basic\” text and turning off the \”Portraits\”.
* Please note that Wrestling Revolution depicts a fictitious universe and is not affiliated with any real wrestling promotions.
Version: 2.040
File size: 52.00MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: air.WRCareer
Developer: MDickie
Updated: July 05, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.30 stars – based on 327644 reviews