Download Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony 4.0 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony is a free Music & Audio app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony 4.0 APK without any modifications.
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please contact us. Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony is the property and trademark from the developer RESONANT CAVITY.
Voloco is a real-time voice-processing app that combines automatic tuning and vocoding. You can pick a song from your library to sing or hum along to, and Voloco will automatically guess the key of the song and pitch correct your voice to that key. Voloco also lets you record video of yourself singing and share it to Facebook or Instagram
Voloco features four effect presets:
Big Chorus — A seven-voice harmonization effect
Hard Tune — The classic \”AutoTune\” sound made famous by T-Pain and others
Natural Tune — Gentle auto tune
SuperVocoder — A pitched-down monster vocoder
If you hear nothing *even when a headset is plugged in*, then set More Options –> Settings –> Prevent feedback to OFF.
Voloco compresses your recordings as AAC in an MP4 container so you can easily share them.
There are currently NO ADS! Enjoy!
Version: 4.0
File size: 8.09MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.jazarimusic.voloco
Updated: June 29, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.30 stars – based on 103430 reviews