Download Tractor Pull Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Tractor Pull 20160212 APK file for Android 3.0+ and up.
Tractor Pull is a free Sports game.
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The average rating is 3.65 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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This time it\’s 3 dimensions of tractor pulling fun. Hook your tractor to the sled and give it a pull. Pull like a pro pulling the sled down the track against.
Rev up the tractor to get your turbo boost spun and engine warm then slowly, but quickly, drop the clutch and let it rip.
Drag the sled over 300 feet to get a full pull and win the tournament.
Get cash to buy more tractors, while upgrading your tractor or diesel puller to win events.
Challenge friends from your contacts to a pull. Hustle em and take their cash.
Drive up your bankroll and buy more tractors, upgrade tractors to win more events.
Master race classes and pick up a sponsor.
Fix any damage you cause in the garage, a damaged tractor doesn\’t run as well.
Don\’t blow up your tractor…parts is expensive.
Easy to play tough to master.
Have Fun.
How do I pull?
1. Slide the gas (right) down.
2. Get engine in peak temperature
3. Let the clutch (left) up
Why cant I get a good pull?
> Make sure you\’re giving full gas (right) to 100%
> Dont ride the clutch (left) let it up 100%
> Additional turbos need more time to reach full boost
This is one of the fun and addicting tractor games available.
Version: 20160212
File size: 22.75MB
Requires: Android 3.0+
Package Name: com.anddgn.tp3.main
Developer: Antithesis Design
Updated: February 11, 2016
Price: Free
Rate 3.65 stars – based on 2531 reviews