Download Toolwiz Photos – Pro Editor Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Toolwiz Photos – Pro Editor 11.04 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Toolwiz Photos – Pro Editor is a free Photography app.
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Toolwiz Photos is an all-in-one photo gallery editor and manager. You can easily organize, beautify, edit, compress and share your photos with it. With Toolwiz Photos, you don’t need any other photo apps any more. Thanks to our creative face detection system you can even rate your faces now. It’s literally the album beyond your imagination and the best alternative to your photo gallery.
Comprehensive photo organizing
Toolwiz Photos allows you to view thousands of pictures within seconds and you can easily sort, rename, hide, move and create new photo album. Photo gallery can be sorted by location, time, tags and album. Even the junk photos you delete can also be restored in Recycle Bin.
Functional photo editing
Want to share an amazing photo on your social network? Our powerful photo editor allows you to rotate, crop pictures freely. You can beautify photos with thousands of interesting stickers, frames, mosaic, collage templates as well as special effect filters. We continually update materials to keep up with the trends.
Photo and video locker
Do you have private photos and videos that you don’t want to share with your family or friends? Now you can lock them in private album to have full control of what people see when they get hands on your phone. Plus, a clever fake album can save you from awkward situation if your partner wants to check your private album. The most interesting thing is, it can automatically take pictures of intruders who tried to peep your private photos and videos.
Auto wallpaper changer
We offer thousands of free High-Definition wallpapers which are categorized into food, life, fashion, film, arts and more. Our editors choose special and nice pictures regularly for you to easily view and set as wallpaper.
Smart storage saving
Too many photos and insufficient storage place? Now you don’t have to worry anymore. Through compressing photos you can save more than half of the storage without quality loss. You can also simply find and remove duplicate photos using Toolwiz Photos.
Intelligent face detection
Want to know if you are beautiful or ugly? Just try our intelligent face analysis. Thanks to our face recognition and AI system, you can now detect how faces look like. Rate your friends’ faces and share results with them. Have fun with it!
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Version: 11.04
File size: 90.74MB
Requires: Android 4.2+
Package Name: com.btows.photo
Developer: Toolwiz Freeware
Updated: July 02, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 4.70 stars – based on 163917 reviews