Download Todait – Smart study planner Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Todait – Smart study planner 0.30.37 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Todait – Smart study planner is a free Education app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Todait – Smart study planner 0.30.37 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.50 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Todait – Smart study planner then you may visit Todait Inc. support center for more information
All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Todait – Smart study planner is the property and trademark from the developer Todait Inc..
Selected by the Google Play!
– Apps to start off an Energetic New School Semester (2015)
– Apps necessary for a New School Semester (2014)
– Apps for Students (2014)
Steadiness create excellence!
Todait is a true study planner to help you utilize your \’real study time\’ 100%!
Todait is a study planner created for more efficient time management by the developers who went through countless trial and errors in the life of a test-taker.
As people who shared the same experience, we want to present the most effective Study Planner to you, Test-taker, who need to manage time more efficiently than anybody on the surface of this planet.
Test-takers who face dillema with plans and time spent in long, drudging study towards dreams and goals for the better future.
Let US take the dillema for you!
Today, you will stay focused with the \’real study\’ of this moment!
We strongly recomment this app for: anyone clueless where to start off in massive study material to cover
-anyone preparing for qualification, transfer, and entrance exams
-anyone who wants to take control of his or her own study
-anyone who wants a habit of routine study
-anyone who wants to manage study time and material systematically
-anyone who wants to spend a fruitful day
Do you have any experience having difficulty from setting up an impossible plan or following your plans routinely?
Do you want to get a new habit and spend everyday fruitfully?
Do you want to manage and check your study materials systematically?
Worry no more with a planner like no other: Todayit! It sets up the plan and automatically divides the study material from the first day to the last and provides you detailed feedbacks. All you have to do is enter the amount of study material for each subject and hours will spend per week!
● Todait\’s Unique Functions for \’real study time\’●
– to focus on studying rather than planning!
– Automatic Study Material Distribution\’ sets up your plans from Day 1 to the last day just by entering study goal and length of time
– Automatic Plan Adjustment\’ will adjust your study plans and divide the study material when you are ahead of or behind the schedule.
stopwatch\’ can be used to measure and manage study time for every subject.
-\’Widget\’ will allow you to start studying without running app itself
– Studying alone? never! Let Todait accompany you!
Progress Check\’ can be used to check study progress based on the amount of material and time period
Study Trend Graph\’ shows weekly progress and average study time.
Study alarm\’ gets you started with your study on the time you set.
-Check your progress yourself!
Time Table\’ displays your own study plan by every hour
Calendar\’ lets you check your study material by every month
●Other functions of \’Todait\’●
Study Diary\’ to record your daily progress for every project
A simple \’Study Time Measuring\’ function
A simple Study Goal \’Check List\’ function
Lock out (app block, app alarm block)\’ function using the stop watch during your study time
Time line\’ function to motivate yourself by comparing your study time with your friends\’ (not updated yet)
New function to check and manage your study in other devices (not updated yet)
New function to study with feedbacks from Todait based on progress and dates (not updated yet)
Todait Inc.
Please direct your questions and feedback to [email protected]!
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You can access the translation for Todait and give your valuable comments or translate into your language. We will apply the translation on Todait as soon as possible and as many as possible.
Here is the link: http://bit.ly/Translate_Todait_Together
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We would greatly appreciate if you could help us.
Version: 0.30.37
File size: 35.55MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.autoschedule.proto
Developer: Todait Inc.
Updated: July 25, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.50 stars – based on 22162 reviews