Download Time Lapse Video Recorder Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Time Lapse Video Recorder 1.8 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Time Lapse Video Recorder is a free Video Players & Editors app.
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The average rating is 4.23 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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You don’t like long videos that no one watches, say goodbye them and hello to TimeLapse Video Recorder – a full featured app for creating awesome time-lapse videos on your device. Want to show your friends what you saw on that 12-mile hike you took last weekend, or let them experience how it felt to fly down the mountain on your recent ski trip? Record high quality time-lapse and hyperlapse clips effortlessly thanks to the simple, fast and intuitive interface.
VIDEO RESOLUTION: Set resolution for the output recording video.
VIDEO ROTATION: Set orientation for the output recording video.
FRAME INTERVAL: Set time interval between captured frames. Range -> 0.1 second to 24 hours. This value is the most important value for your Time Lapse and Hyper Lapse recordings.
VIDEO DURATION: Set required length (or duration) for the output video. Recording is automatically stopped when it is reached unless it is set to infinite. It is also shown in the centre while recorded length progresses from fraction of seconds (0.xx) to required value. Do not confuse it with the recording duration which can be very long in case of TimeLapse videos.
RECORDING DURATION: Set recording duration and video duration, the frame interval will be automatically calculated.
VIDEO FRAME RATE: Set playback speed for the output video. 30 fps is optimal and results in fluid videos. The feature might not work on all devices properly so using default value is recommended.
AUTO FOCUS, WHITE BALANCE, EXPOSURE, EFFECT: Set focus mode, white balance mode, exposure compensation and color effects (if supported)
SELF TIMER: Set initial delay after which the recording starts. Useful for stabilising the device or preparing the scene.
ZOOM: If device supports zoom multi touch preview to open zoom menu. Slide the bar to change zoom level.
EXPOSURE LOCK: Lock the exposure when recording starts to prevent flicker from lighting conditions.
WHITE BALANCE LOCK: Lock the white balance when recording starts to prevent changing white balance.
FLASH: Set flash LED on/off when previewing and recording (if flash LED is available).
SWITCH CAMERA: Switch between front and back cameras (If your device support multiple cameras).
SETTINGS: Set on/off for Screen Lock, Shutter Sound, High Performance, Notification Light, Show Information, Show Guide and help user to reset parameters.
SCREEN LOCK MODE: Allow the device to turn off screen when it times out and keep recording in the background.
SHUTTER SOUND: Shutter sound will be played for frame interval above 1 second.
HIGH PERFORMANCE: Unless you are having any issues let it remain on. It helps the app work a little faster.
NOTIFICATION LIGHT: If your device has front colored LED lights, it will use it when screen is off to display recording is taking place.
SHOW INFORMATION: Show all chosen values for TimeLapse video on the top screen.
RESET: Reset parameters to the default values.
GALLERY: Show and play recorded TimeLapse videos.
Support for certain features is determined by your device\’s camera hardware.
Discover beautiful new patterns in everyday events which remain invisible to our eyes. Watch the setting sun in a few seconds or a journey in a minute and prepare to be amazed. Record amazing time lapse and hyperlapse videos with ease now.
Version: 1.8
File size: 2.17MB
Requires: Android 4.0.3+
Package Name: camera.time.frame.lapse
Developer: AD Production
Updated: July 13, 2016
Price: Free
Rate 4.23 stars – based on 5904 reviews