Download Swaycash:Pulsa Gratis & Berita Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Swaycash:Pulsa Gratis & Berita 1.5.2 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Swaycash:Pulsa Gratis & Berita is a free Lifestyle app.
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The average rating is 4.41 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Swaycash:Pulsa Gratis & Berita is the property and trademark from the developer Swaymobi.
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Swaycash Pulsa Gratis is android lock screen app that gives away cash rewards directly from your phone lockscreen. Press power button and you can browse interesting news and information without going into the phone page.
On your lock screen, Swaycash provide news and interesting information for you to read, such as entertainment, gossip, travel, health, food, beauty, electronics, etc. You can swipe right or left to browse beautiful images and wallpaper with news! These information used to be stored in your phone app right? Now with Swaycash, you can get it all from your lock screen!
When knowledge is power, then reading is the first step you should take. In order to help you to form a good reading habit, Swaycash gives cash reward when you read news or information on lock screen! The more you read, the more knowledge and reward you’ll get.
When you get enough reward, you can redeem it with pulsa of Telkomsel, XL, 3, etc. So don’t worried about your pulsa, just keep reading and be a knowledgeable man or woman.
Share it to your friends and get permanent 12% of referral bonus! Invite your friends to install Swaycash via your referral link, the more friends use your link to download Swaycash, the multiple times of 12% bonus you’ll get!
★How to get reward in Swaycash?
– Slide right to go into the phone page;
– Slide left to read news or trend information;
– Download referral Apps in Swaycash can get big bonus reward;
– Invite your friends to install Swaycash via your referral link;
Keep Swaycash running on your lock screen so you won’t miss the chance of getting more pulsa!
★How to redeem plusa?
When you get enough reward, go to the redeem page to exchange for pulsa. Once you submit the request, the process will take some time to recharge your number.
★About Us
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swaycash.id We will update message and interact with you, please keep us in followed see more usage tips and extra rewards! We’ll be your best Android lock screen and reading app!
Version: 1.5.2
File size: 4.89MB
Requires: Android 4.1+
Package Name: com.swaymobi.swaycash
Developer: Swaymobi
Updated: December 29, 2016
Price: Free
Rate 4.41 stars – based on 6285 reviews