Download Star Walk 2 Free – Identify Stars in the Night Sky Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Star Walk 2 Free – Identify Stars in the Night Sky APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Star Walk 2 Free – Identify Stars in the Night Sky is a free Education app.
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The average rating is 4.50 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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Star Walk 2 is an exquisite stargazing tool that combines astronomical data with premium technology to deliver an effortless journey through thousands of stars, comets, and constellations. All you have to do is point your device at the sky.*
*This feature is available only on devices with digital compass.
All-new stunning design:
– New simpler and cleaner interface in vibrant colors for retina displays
– Atmospheric visual and sound effects, stirring soundtrack
– Exclusive handcrafted artwork for constellations, inspired by minimalist low-poly art
Incredible 3D models of celestial bodies*:
– Planetary nebulae
– Constellations
– Dwarf planets, comets, and asteroids
– Man-made satellites
– Layer by layer planets and missions
*Available through In-App Purchase. Constellations are available for free for limited time.
Star Walk 2 is the first astronomy guide to introduce plausible three-dimensional models of planetary nebulae. Star groupings of the 88 officially recognized constellations are also presented in volume. You can see them as separate entities, turn them around and take a look from the other side. Complemented by articles on connected myths and history, this is the most comprehensive collection of information on constellations.*
As you hold your phone up and point it towards the sky, Star Walk 2 follows your motions using the built-in digital compas to match the map on your screen to the stars seen from your location. Easily find any star, constellation, or satellite in the sky by tapping Search. Star Walk will indicate the direction to look in.
Unlike on a plain photograph, every star in Star Walk 2 has coordinates. That means you can look at objects, for instance, a constellation from any vantage point in space, not to mention the ultimate accuracy of your map for your exact location.
Star Walk 2 gives you accurate daily data on current moon phase, time of sunset and sunrise, and elevation of planets. With just one slide you can see how the sky will look later tonight or throughout the year.
Special night-time soft red mode will help you preserve night vision when stargazing with a telescope. You can see the sky in X-Ray (and 5 more filters) to study the invisible structure of the universe. Live tracking for over 8,000 satellites will help you catch iridium flares, and detailed articles will satisfy the most curious inquirer.
– The Star Spotter feature won\’t work for the devices that are not equipped with the gyroscope and compass.
– For Android 4.4 KitKat users: the application doesn\’t support ART, please switch to Dalvik.
“She’s a beauty.”
The Next Web
“Star Walk 2 is a terrific introduction to astronomy for young and old. It’s also handy for serious stargazers for observing planning.”
“For those who enjoy the original app, Star Walk 2 is worth the upgrade — the interface is gorgeous. Anyone with even a passing interest in astronomy should grab Star Walk 2.”
“It is worth every penny.”
File size: 93.72MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.vitotechnology.StarWalk2Free
Developer: Vito Technology
Updated: July 16, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.50 stars – based on 133806 reviews