Download Smart Control Free (OBD2 & Car) Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Smart Control Free (OBD2 & Car) 3.0.2 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Smart Control Free (OBD2 & Car) is a free Communication app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Smart Control Free (OBD2 & Car) 3.0.2 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.20 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Smart Control Free (OBD2 & Car) is the property and trademark from the developer SmartApps4Me.
Smart Control requires a compatible ELM327 bluetooth or Wifi (infrastructure mode) device, to be connected to the car via OBDII diagnostic port.
Now you can yet request the free complete license (for all functions) that it\’s also extended to Read4Me. You can request the free full license sending an email through the function available in the app with the home button key-shaped. Read4Me is a sophisticated system of reading and managing phone notifications and It integrates perfectly with Smart Control. Read4Me provides a voice commands also for Smart Control.
For example you can be use Read4Me while driving to listen reading notifications, with all apps as Whatsapp, Hangouts, Facebook, Google Plus, etc etc
It\’s available for preview here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109521271850896750896
Now the voice messages are available in Portuguese and German.
Everyone who’s interested to help us with translation vocal messages (TTS), may send an email to [email protected].
What is Smart Control? Smart Control is not a simply app but a real on-board computer for cars OBD2 equipped.
The app is able to read the DPF data of Mazda diesel engines new generation . This is an unique feature of Smart Control being tested and it can be enabled, on the car profile, setting the voice \”Madza parameters\”.
Smart Control supports international system, Imperial UK and US customary measurement systems.
The first smart on-board computer realized on Android platform, able to connect through diagnostic protocols using a compatible OBD2 ELM327 bluetooth device.In fact, thanks to information provided by diagnostic OBD2, Smart Control is able to calculate the consumption, detect the beginning and end of each move and store trips; In addition, it can calculate and track key performance data, such as power, torque and speed up or braking etc..
Warning: the app currently supports ELM327 via bluetooth and Wifi (infrastructure mode).
The app, in addition to providing the typical on-board computer functions, provides the historical data detected. For every move, you can view the location map and data recorded at various points; specially, the graphic travel trend:
The app also provides the last recorded position, in order to allow the user to navigate to coordinates.
It\’s also provided a recording section of refueling in order to check the fuel consumption, and compare the consumption data detected to the diagnostic data.
Functions of performance detected. Some examples, below:
– Speed up 0-100 km / h
– Speed up 0-50 km / h
– Pick up 40-70 …
Automatic performance recorded, is available on the historical data, generating
a message that can be listen thanks to the “Text To Speech” function.
Some messages provided:
– Start of trip
– End of trip
– performance
– Speed limit alert (configurable) by a custom message.
– Lack of autonomy: based on the OBD II fuel level detected, if available (otherwise calculated)
– Cruising Data
In addition, the reading messages can be heard on your car stereo thanks to a bluetooth device: in particular, the app automatically activates the speakerphone without requiring source selection.
We care customer\’s satisfaction, so if you have any problem do not hesitate to send a message by the specific function on the home of the app.
The free version, has the following limitations:
– Keep only the last three trips and data;
– The average consumption and the other values are based on the last three trips available, with a poor precision;
– Show only the last two refuelings;
– Do not display the arrival position;
– Do not allow navigation to the last known position;
– Do not allow the user addition;
– During the trip, it allows only the display of acceleration 0-100 km/h
Version: 3.0.2
File size: 5.79MB
Requires: Android 4.0.3+
Package Name: it.smartapps4me.smartcontrol
Developer: SmartApps4Me
Updated: August 16, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 4.20 stars – based on 2590 reviews