Download S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher 10.1 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher is a free Tools app.
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Galaxy S7 S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher is one the most beautiful and simple theme. If you are too tired of boring Android theme and want a new launcher, S7 Launcher Pro is one the best choices. Not giving you a beautiful design but also contains so many functions, excellent experience, full customization like Nova Launcher, have Touchwiz like Samsung Glalaxy.
S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher turns your Android phone into Galaxy S7 Theme, you can also make a TouchWiz desktop with your devices. Especially, you don’t have to install other launchers like Nova launcher, Apex launcher, ADW launcher, Go launcher or Next launcher to use S7 launcher Pro, all you need is download and enjoy this free app.
It’s totally free so you let’s take a try to renew your old phone or make it more awesome.
Key Feature of S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher :
• Advanced Functions
+ Charging screen like Samsung Touchwiz.
+ Back up and restore all settings anytime you want.
+ Import layout from another launcher.
• Gestures & Buttons
S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher contains lots of Gestures helps you do everything faster. You can use gestures to open your favorite apps, settings, expand or toggle status bar, search,… much faster.
+ Use one finger to swipe up or down like in S7
+ Pinch in or out like S7 theme
+ Use 2 fingers to swipe up or down like S7 launcher.
+ Rotate clockwise or anti clockwise like galaxy S7.
You can double tap to turn off screen, triple tap to open screen again, use Home Button to turn off screen. Now you don’t have to use your physic button, all you do to turn off or turn on screen is just some taps.
• Sidebar
Sidebar will help you change your settings quickly like wifi, mobile network, brightness, sound, torch, volume,… access your recent apps, favorite apps quickly. It’s also contains Ram cleaner tool, battery tool in sidebar.
• Customization
S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher gives you so many options to customize your theme in any way you want to. You can change icon pack, live wallpaper, drawer, dock, desktop,… from size, position to effect and animation. Just like in Galaxy S7.
+ Desktop gives you option to change everything like Touchwiz on Galaxy S7. Like layout , statusbar, icons, wallpaper, widget. From size to animation and effect like S7 Launcher.
+ Drawer give you option to change it’s effect, style, icon scale,….
+ Dock give you option to change number of icons, dock icon gesture, height, width and so on.
+ Folder give you option to change background color, icon scale, icon label,…
+ Theme & UI give you option to change any icon pack you want, change animation, scroll speed, font and other attributes.
Like Nova Launcher, S7 launcher, Touchwiz and other famous launchers, you can customize your theme in any way you want.
+ Galaxy S7 and TouchWiz Launcher are registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
S7 Theme – TouchWiz Launcher is completely free, smooth, cool, customizable, beautiful so let take a try on it. You won’t regret. Let S7 Launcher Pro turn your old phone into Galaxy S7.
Version: 10.1
File size: 5.85MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.touchwiztheme.iconpack.s7launcher
Developer: Dev Fee
Updated: June 03, 2017
Price: Free
Rate 4.35 stars – based on 1844 reviews