Download Remente – Self Improvement Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Remente – Self Improvement 1.0.41 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Remente – Self Improvement is a free Health & Fitness app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Remente – Self Improvement 1.0.41 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.40 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Remente – Self Improvement is the property and trademark from the developer Remente.
Take control of your life by tracking your mood, setting goals and taking courses to train your mental and physical health.
Remente helps you set and succeed with goals while teaching you about yourself. You can pursue happiness and find purpose in life, learn how to focus and commit to making a dream come true, or increase your productivity and time management to become better at your job.
Remente is a mix of expert insights and science put together for the benefit of your self-improvement.
What you’ll get:
– Tools to focus your life and improve mental and physical health.
– Assess your life and understand how it is balanced.
– Set goals that direct, track and form good habits.
– Reach long-term goals and dreams.
– Plan your days.
– Track your mood to understand your emotions and well-being.
– Read long and short courses on aspects of life and mental health, things like mindfulness, motivation, productivity, time management, fitness, relationships, social life, family, finances, recreation, communication and more.
Just like your body, your brain needs training and exercise. To help you with that, we created Remente, an app to manage your days, brain and mental wellbeing. Basically, an app to manage your life.
With our exercises you can practice mindfulness, track your mood, manage stress, train your brain, optimize your sleep, set and reach goals, find motivation, get more efficient and learn to prioritize what’s important to you. You can also train your skills in leadership, communication, decision-making, time management and more.
We’re a team of world leading experts in the fields of psychology, coaching and brain training. Previously, we’ve helped Sweden win the 2014 World Memory Championships, researched internet psychiatry and coached world elite athletes such as Nick Faldo and Annika Sörenstam.
Now we want to help you level up in life!
Examples of content we offer:
– Self improvement
– Stress Management
– Efficiency
– Sleep
– Memory Training
– Goal Training
– Mindfulness
– Decision Making
– Time Management
– Leadership
– Understanding Yourself
– Communication
– Productivity
# Your Digital Life Coach: At Home, At Work, In School
Based on the latest observations in psychology, neuroscience, and mental training we have created a self-improvement app, with courses and tools to help you in all parts of life, at home, at work or in school. Do you want to achieve your goals, reduce stress, sleep better, be happier or just get inspiration on how to make things work better? We can help.
# Why You Should Exercise Your Mental Strength
Just like you need to exercise your physical strength to stay healthy, you need to exercise your mental strength. To help you do that, we created Remente, an app to manage your mental wellbeing and resilience.
# The Brains Behind Remente
“Remente is a new player in the personal development app space, but it stands out from the rest because it\’s backed by a team of leading psychologists.”
Lifehacker UK
# Information About Remente Premium
If you want to get the most out of Remente, we recommend that you purchase Remente Premium, unlocking all the features we offer.
Choose between 1, 3 or 12 months subscription:
– 1 month costs $9.99
– 3 months cost $22.99
– 12 months cost $44.99
The subscription will be renewed 24 hours before it expires with a subscription identical to the one you last purchased. It\’s not possible to cancel the subscription during the time it\’s active.
Terms of use & Privacy policy
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Version: 1.0.41
File size: 24.64MB
Requires: Android 5.0+
Package Name: com.remente.app
Developer: Remente
Updated: August 13, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.40 stars – based on 7970 reviews