Download Perfect Viewer Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Perfect Viewer 4.4 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Perfect Viewer is a free Comics app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Perfect Viewer 4.4 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.40 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Perfect Viewer is the property and trademark from the developer Rookie001.
Perfect Viewer is a very fast image/comics viewer.
*Turn black/white image into 4 colorize image(Only available for donated users. Need install Perfect Viewer donation application).
*Page layout: Auto single page, Auto dual page, Auto switch by screen orientation
*Support image file format: JPEG,PNG,GIF,BMP,WebP
*Support archive file format: CBZ/ZIP,CBR/RAR,7Z/CB7,LZH
*Support PDF file after install the PDF plugin
*Open file from network file sharing(CIFS/SAMBA), FTP
*Require internet permission for CIFS/SAMBA support.
*Support open files from Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive after install the source plugin
*Require \”GET_ACCOUNTS\” and \”USE_CREDENTIALS\” permission for Google Drive support
*Smooth filters: Averaging, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos3;
*Five view mode: Full size, Fit Screen, Fit Width, Fit Height, Fixed size, Stretch;
*Support Left-to-right & right-to-left reading
*Set image as wallpaper
*Browse image in folder/archive as thumbnail
*Bookshelf function
*Support pinch to zoom & fling gesture
*Simple bookmark function
*My favorites management
*Cache next and previous page
*Simple file management(delete, rename)
*Adjust image brightness,contrast & gamma
*Auto cut off white border.
*Support Google Chromecast
*Balloon magnifier
Version: 4.4
File size: 13.03MB
Requires: Android 2.3+
Package Name: com.rookiestudio.perfectviewer
Developer: Rookie001
Updated: July 16, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.40 stars – based on 53566 reviews