Download Paragon UFSD Root Mounter Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Paragon UFSD Root Mounter 2.0.4 APK file for Android 2.3.4+ and up.
Paragon UFSD Root Mounter is a free Tools app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Paragon UFSD Root Mounter 2.0.4 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.00 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Paragon UFSD Root Mounter then you may visit Paragon Technologie GmbH support center for more information
All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Paragon UFSD Root Mounter is the property and trademark from the developer Paragon Technologie GmbH.
Get full and unlimited access to the most widespread file systems in the world on your smartphone! Easily copy, transfer and modify data on NTFS volumes alongside with HFS+ ones. Forget about incompatibility issues between your mobile handheld and its big brothers – PC and Mac. Attach to your device any flash drives, hard disk drives and other media with NTFS and HFS file systems and work with them as if there have simple FAT32 one.
The only solution available on the market that mounts NTFS/HFS+ formatted USB drives or SD cards automatically!
!!REQUIRES ROOT!! To verify root access please use the Root Checker app.
Android 5.0 support is limited due to its security restrictions.
Android 6.0 is not supported due to its even higher security restrictions. See below for details.
The software was successfully tested by over 700,000 Android enthusiasts.
Paragon NTFS & HFS+ features:
• Mount on boot: automatically mount all NTFS and HFS+ partitions available on boot completion.
• Mount on connect: automatically mount NTFS and HFS+ partitions when a new media is connected.
• exFAT evaluation mode – for OEMs only.
The software is based on Paragon’s Universal File System Driver (UFSD) technology. UFSD is the leading cross-platform technology with millions of satisfied end users worldwide. It includes exFAT, NTFS, and HFS+ driver technology, which fully supports SDXC cards and Windows/Mac USB drives.
Note! Android changed its security policy in versions 5.0 and higher. If your device is based on these version, in order to read files, you first need to copy them from the external storage to the internal device memory or a memory card via any root-privileged file manager. After that you will be able to read the files.
The app doesn\’t support Android 6.0. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
About Paragon Software Group
Paragon Software Group is an innovative software developer focused on two dynamic growth markets. The company\’s comprehensive product line for the data storage market addresses the needs of data security, storage and management for PCs, servers and networks. A second portfolio of products focuses on mobile productivity applications for handheld devices. Founded in 1994, Paragon Software Group has offices in the USA, Germany, Japan, Poland, Russia and China delivering its solutions to consumers, small business and enterprise clients worldwide through a network of Value Added Resellers, distributors and OEMs as well as online through the company website. Paragon Software Group provides technology to a host of world class companies and partners including Cisco Systems, Dell, HP, Western Digital Corp., ASUS, Seagate, LG Electronics, Logitech, Buffalo, Acer, EMC/Iomega, Siemens, Lenovo, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, and more. For more information please visit the company website at www.paragon-software.com.
Version: 2.0.4
File size: 7.98MB
Requires: Android 2.3.4+
Package Name: com.paragon.mounter
Developer: Paragon Technologie GmbH
Updated: October 17, 2017
Price: Free
Rate 4.00 stars – based on 6632 reviews