Download Microphone Pro S (No delay) Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Microphone Pro S (No delay) 2.0.35 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Microphone Pro S (No delay) is a free Music & Audio app.
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This is a simple application that connect the microphone of your phone to headphone or external speaker. It allowed to speak in realtime, with low latency, no delay or lag, like a professional microphone.
Version 2.0 added recording feature, with high quality audio.
User has to connect the phone to headphone or external speaker for this application to work. Because the speaker of the phone doesn\’t have big volume.
Below are some common usecase.
– Sing karaoke with music in your phone.
– Giving speech in front of people (for example inside an office) like a professional microphone.
If mute sound occur, please update your phone to the latest firmware
Application only support below Samsung phone and tablet:
– Galaxy A 2016 series: A3 A5 A7 A9 2016
– Galaxy S series: S5, S6, S7
– Galaxy Note series: Note 4, Note 5, Note 10.1 2014, Note Pro
– Galaxy Tab series: Galaxy Tab S, Tab S2
Keyword: professional microphone, lag free microphone, delay free microphone, microphone to sing karaoke, microphone karaoke tren dien thoai
Version: 2.0.35
File size: 2.76MB
Requires: Android Varies with device+
Package Name: multimediasolvn.app.promicrophone
Developer: Multimedia Solution
Updated: July 21, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 3.90 stars – based on 1146 reviews