Download Lollipop Music Player Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Lollipop Music Player 1.4 APK file for Android 3.0+ and up.
Lollipop Music Player is a free Music & Audio app.
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The average rating is 0.00 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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If you do not have a sensor, this app will not work. If you do not see your songs or see only 1 or 2 songs when you have more songs, then you must go to the app\’s settings and switch it to the correct folder.
This app is a clean music player with a nice clean Lollipop design, while using a modern layout for a music player. The best feature in this app is that you can switch to next song by moving your hand from the left to right above your phone\’s sensor. You can pause by holding your hand above the screen.
Many things are special about this app. In particular, I feel that the clean minimalist design says a lot about the inspiration behind this app. The idea was like taking a rocket ship to space. The rocket ship would soon run out of gasoline and would fall. I didn\’t want to make it fall, so instead of a rocket music player, I have a Lollipop Music Player.
More features will be added to this clean music player, Lollipop Music Player or Launcher, once I get more time. As of right now, the app acts like a typical music player, except that it is also a hands free music player / launcher. In different languages, this would be Lecteur musique or Reproductor de musica
Version: 1.4
File size: 2.36MB
Requires: Android 3.0+
Package Name: com.sritam.music
Developer: Sritam Mishra
Updated: February 18, 2016
Price: Free
Rate 0.00 stars – based on 94 reviews