Download Libon – International calls ?? Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Libon – International calls ?? 4.32 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Libon – International calls ?? is a free Communication app.
Downloadpcapk.com helps you to install any apps or games available on Google Play Store. You can download Apps Apk to desktop of your PC with Windows 7,8,10 OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS. Also you can download apk files for your phones and tablets (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone and other brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, HKphone, Skye, Huawei…).
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Libon – International calls ?? 4.32 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.10 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Libon – International calls ?? is the property and trademark from the developer Orange Vallée.
• Join Libon now and get FREE minutes to call landlines and mobiles in more than 140 countries¹.
+ Each time one of your friends joins Libon, you\’ll get 5 minutes for FREE.
• With Libon international bundles, make cheap calls to landlines and mobiles in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America or Middle East.
• Top up with Libon Out minutes to call your loved ones even when you are abroad.
• Make unlimited FREE calls with all your Libon contacts wherever they might be.
• FREE chat with everyone! Really everyone! Even with your contacts that do not use Libon.
• Send pictures, audio messages and localization to all your friends.
• You missed a call? Your friends can leave a message on your free Libon Voicemail.
• Amaze your friends by creating customized greetings for each one of your contacts or groups of contacts.
• If you also choose to use the Libon voicemail for your mobile calls², your operator will probably deduct minutes from your airtime bundle as the calls you missed will be redirected to a standard national number. Do not worry: we make sure to use the cheapest numbers available.
• If not connected in Wi-Fi, data charges from your operator may apply.
Follow us and let us know what you think about the app:
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• For terms and conditions, please read: libon.com/en/terms-libon%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNHj-M7xFbNVngMXN_B7F-eFWDBpkw&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNGlYFWV91kT0_h9zvUe1Yh3xa9dSQ\” target=\”_blank\”>http://www.libon.com/en/terms-libon
• For privacy policy, please read: libon.com/en/privacy-libon%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNF8N7N-s4G2QLAL1pna_4WISHIT4w&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNGJuwEzagtHfxgAr1-BAVY9qJKDRQ\” target=\”_blank\”>http://www.libon.com/en/privacy-libon
¹ This offer is not available in some countries. Your Libon Out calls will be counted of the Libon Out minutes available on your account and the countdown is made by seconds. Call toward landlines and/or mobiles of 140 countries, including: Algeria, American Samoa, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Costa Rica, Côte d\’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa / RDC), Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Lithuania, Macau, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Martinique, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe…
² Features available only in UK, USA, France and Spain.
Version: 4.32
File size: 19.20MB
Requires: Android 5.0+
Package Name: lifeisbetteron.com
Developer: Orange Vallée
Updated: June 13, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.10 stars – based on 184104 reviews