Download LG 360 CAM Manager Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide LG 360 CAM Manager 5.2.16 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
LG 360 CAM Manager is a free Tools app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for LG 360 CAM Manager 5.2.16 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 3.10 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about LG 360 CAM Manager then you may visit LG Electronics, Inc. support center for more information
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please contact us. LG 360 CAM Manager is the property and trademark from the developer LG Electronics, Inc..
LG 360 CAM captures high quality photos and videos with dynamic 5.1ch sound, upto 360°.
LG 360 CAM seamlessly capture the world around you with one click.
You can view and share on a computer or smartphone the images & videos you shoot.
You can use the smartphone app to shoot, view and share 360° / 180° photos and videos from your smartphone.
* LG 360 CAM (sold separately) is required.
– LG 360 CAM and Bluetooth, Wi-Fi connection
Simply install the LG 360 CAM Manager for Android on your smartphone and connect to your LG 360 CAM.
For initial connection, LG 360 CAM connects automatically without Wi-Fi password.
When you want to connect LG 360 CAM with other smartphone, disconnect with current smarphone first, then Wi-Fi password will requested to input.
LG 360 CAM\’s initial password is \”00+last 6 digits of serial numbers\”
You can change Wi-Fi password using settings menu in LG 360 CAM Manager app.
– Camera : Remote Shooting
You can use the LG 360 CAM Manager for Android as a remote control to shoot photos on your LG 360 CAM.
You can check realtime preview while shooting or capturing.
You can also change camera options – resolution, sound channel, shoot mode, manual mode, timer, spherical/half spherical mode, FoV(Field of View) change – can be changed to preferred shooting and capture by the app.
360° / 180° photos and videos capture are possible.
– Gallery : Viewing
You can us LG 360 CAM Manager for Android to view the images and videos you shoot.
You can browse the external SD card of LG 360 CAM to view photos and videos of your choice. Spin around, enlarge, or shrink… Experience the playful and unique fun of seeing the entire space around you in a spherical image or video.
– Sharing on Social Networking Services
You can share the 360° (spherical) photo on Google Photo and Google StreetView. You can share the 360° (spherical) video on YouTube and Facebook. Other social networking services shows 360° (spherical) photo and video in equirectangular format. Show the world a whole new way of capturing the everything at the moment by 360° (spherical) photo and video that provide a being there experience where the image was taken.
You can enjoy 360° (spherical) photos and videos in a very much immersive way using LG G5 and LG 360 VR (sold seperately), 3D interactive sound will enhance the presence of your experience.
Version: 5.2.16
File size: 33.36MB
Requires: Android +
Package Name: com.lge.sc
Developer: LG Electronics, Inc.
Updated: May 18, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 3.10 stars – based on 1 reviews