Download Learn Spanish – Español Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Learn Spanish – Español 1.3.8 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Learn Spanish – Español is a free Education app.
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The average rating is 4.72 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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Learn Spanish – español with Wlingua.
You always wanted to learn Spanish or español but never find the time to study?
You decide: learn Spanish from Spain (castellano) or from Mexico (español), starting from scratch or from a basic to advanced level.
Our method is entertaining- and it works, because it makes complicated things easy: learn Spanish with the best quality contents, easy grammar explanations and just the right progression.
This course perfectly fits your learning style: you will learn at your own pace and every day you will see improvements after each grammar lesson, exercise, reading or vocabulary activity.
Learn verb conjugations with easy explanations and learn Spanish grammar step by step. It was never so fast and easy to speak español!
This course provides you with the necessary tools: vocabulary, grammar explanations, reading, exercises and a comprehensive español dictionary.
You will also have phrase and sentence exercises to understand how to use those new Spanish words correctly. All of them are recorded so that you can focus on the pronunciation and intonation of the new words and sentences. Each lesson gives you the opportunity to improve your listening skills and get the real sound of Mexico and Spain!
5 million users are learning with our language courses, join our community!
In the course there are two types of accounts:
– Basic: this account is free, but you have restricted access to certain parts.
– Premium: with this account you have complete access to all of the content and material to learn Spanish at a faster pace.
When you access it for the first time, we give you a week of Premium access for free to try the course. When the trial week finishes, your account will automatically convert to a Basic account. That\’s it, with no hidden fees.
Version: 1.3.8
File size: 3.24MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.wlingua.spanishcourse
Developer: Wlingua
Updated: December 18, 2017
Price: Free
Rate 4.72 stars – based on 25901 reviews