Download Learn Chinese – HelloChinese Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Learn Chinese – HelloChinese 5.0.8 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Learn Chinese – HelloChinese is a free Education app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Learn Chinese – HelloChinese 5.0.8 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.90 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Learn Chinese – HelloChinese is the property and trademark from the developer HelloChinese – Learn Chinese Mandarin.
Learn Chinese – HelloChinese is a Fun, Effective and Engaging app for learning Chinese Mandarin. Using effective methodologies, “Learn Chinese – HelloChinese” helps beginners learn Chinese Mandarin quickly to a conversational level. Proprietary Chinese speech recognition and character handwriting technologies are also applied to make Chinese learning more fun and easy. With HelloChinese, you will discover Pinyin, characters, vocabulary and grammar in an interactive way.
Download “Learn Chinese – HelloChinese” right away, and start to learn Chinese and speak Chinese anytime, anywhere!
◉ Entirely FREE with ZERO in-app purchases or micro-transactions!
◉ Game-based Chinese learning: You will never get bored.
◉ A well-designed Pinyin (pronunciation) course for newbies.
◉ Speech recognition corrects your pronunciation and makes speaking Chinese a breeze.
◉ Handwriting specially designed to make learning Chinese characters at a faster rate.
◉ Covers all the words, characters and grammar points through the HSK Level 3.
◉ Bite-sized curriculum to fortify your Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
◉ Simplified and traditional Chinese (Mandarin) are both supported.
◉ Offers standardized Chinese Mandarin audio spoken strictly by native speakers.
◉ Displays Chinese as pinyin or characters as you like.
◉ Offline accessibility: Once a course is downloaded, no internet connection is required.
◉ Study progress tracking across multiple devices.
Methodologies Behind “Learn Chinese – HelloChinese”:
People learning Chinese frequently encounter problems which keep them from mastering the language. We believe that HelloChinese is the solution to surmounting and conquering these barriers.
▶ Chinese learning is too difficult. Already tried many apps? Now try out HelloChinese. Our app curriculum has been designed with a learning curve in mind. Simply follow along with the app and you\’ll be mastering Chinese in no time!
▶ I lose motivation too easily. Our app offers bite-sized, GAME-based lessons. Each lesson only takes 10 minutes to complete and utilizes interactive and diverse question models to keep you hooked. You can learn your Chinese anytime, anywhere and never get bored.
▶ I can\’t improve my speaking without a teacher. YOU CAN! This is the most exciting part of the app! Accurate speech recognition technology is used in designing every speaking exercise. You\’ll find speaking Chinese has never been this easy and fun!
▶ Chinese Characters are too hard to learn. Our app uses cutting-edge Chinese handwriting technology to help you write characters using your finger. In addition, interesting explanation of radicals and components is provided for every character which further enhances your character learning ability!
▶ I can\’t understand Chinese spoken by native speakers. All of our content includes audio read by professionally-trained native speakers. Having trouble understanding? No problem: all listening questions can be read at either a native speed or a slower speed, allowing you to immerse yourself in a Chinese environment at your own pace.
With these tools at your disposal, nothing can stop you from mastering Chinese. Start on your path to fluency today!
Version: 5.0.8
File size: 18.32MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.hellochinese
Developer: HelloChinese – Learn Chinese Mandarin
Updated: July 19, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.90 stars – based on 210187 reviews