Download Learn C# Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Learn C# 1.9 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Learn C# is a free Education app.
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The SoloLearn C# course makes the 10th programming language available to our community for FREE!
At SoloLearn, we are building a community of coders where learning is FREE, FUN, and EFFECTIVE! With coding becoming a \”must have\” skill, we aim to help you improve your career and life choices by mastering this skill in your spare time, on any device, wherever you are. Join our growing community of SoloLearners where you can enjoy individual and peer-to-peer learning and learn the basics of implementing coding projects on your mobile. And finally, improve your standing within the community by collecting XP points and advancing your rank on the Leaderboard!
Gain an understanding of C# concepts by going through short interactive texts and follow-up fun quizzes. Topics include: variables, conditional statements and loops, methods, classes, arrays, strings, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, exceptions, generics, and more!
Code Playground:
The best way to learn to code is to CODE! Our beautifully designed code editor lets you make changes to existing code or write and run your own custom code and see the output on your mobile device! You can code while going through the core lessons or as a stand-alone learning activity. The more you play, the better you get!
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Whether you need additional help in understanding a topic or want to contribute to enhance the learning of peer SoloLearners, go to our Discussion Forums. Learn, share your knowledge, and improve your career and life choices!
Version: 1.9
File size: 5.97MB
Requires: Android 4.0.3+
Package Name: com.sololearn.csharp
Developer: SoloLearn
Updated: July 18, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.70 stars – based on 20685 reviews