Download Keepsafe Photo Vault: Hide Private Photos & Videos Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Keepsafe Photo Vault: Hide Private Photos & Videos 9.39.1 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Keepsafe Photo Vault: Hide Private Photos & Videos is a free Video Players & Editors app.
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The average rating is 4.60 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Keepsafe Photo Vault: Hide Private Photos & Videos then you may visit KeepSafe support center for more information
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Play Cyber Weekend: 50% off KeepSafe Premium
KeepSafe is a private picture locker that keeps all of your personal photos and videos hidden and protected behind multiple layers of security.
Look through your photo gallery and choose the pictures and videos that you want protected. Once you upload them to the KeepSafe image locker, you can delete them from your regular photo gallery and still view them in KeepSafe. KeepSafe gives you full control of what pictures and videos people can view if they ever get their hands on your phone.
KeepSafe private picture locker features:
• Clean and simple design
• Easy-to-use PIN pad access
• Upload photos and videos from your regular photo gallery to the ultra secure KeepSafe private photo gallery
• “Unhide” any photos and videos in KeepSafe to have them re-appear in your regular photo gallery
• KeepSafe doesn’t show up on your recently used apps list
• Support for both phone and tablet
Once inside your KeepSafe private picture locker, you can customize your albums and view your photos in different ways.
View photos and albums in the KeepSafe image locker
• Create and name multiple albums within your private picture locker
• Full-screen viewing for photos and videos
• View photos as a slideshow
• Rotate and zoom in on your photos
KeepSafe even lets you share your private photos with certain people. Send a photo through email or with the special Safe Send feature. Safe Send lets you send a photo that disappears 20 seconds after it was received.
Private photo sharing features
• Send your private pictures to others from KeepSafe via email
• Safe Send feature lets you share photos that vanish seconds after they were received
The KeepSafe premium features offer you even more layers of security.
Customizable Albums
• Increase your security by setting passwords for each individual photo album
• Choose your own album cover images to misguide potential snoopers
Fake PIN
• Create a second PIN that opens a fake KeepSafe image locker for when someone pressures you to open KeepSafe
• Put photos in your fake KeepSafe that are OK for others to see, no one will know that you have two private picture lockers
Secret Door
• Disguises KeepSafe as another app
• Others will see what looks like a harmless app when they open KeepSafe
• Only you will know the secret to reveal the PIN pad and open your KeepSafe private photo gallery
Break-in Alerts
• Get notified when someone tries to enter your KeepSafe image locker with an invalid PIN
• KeepSafe snaps a photo of potential intruders while recording the time and PIN they entered
KeepSafe’s clever security features allow you to hide all of your private photos and videos from prying eyes. With KeepSafe, your privacy is maintained and your peace of mind is guaranteed. Download the app today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where are my pictures after I unhide them?
A: After unhiding them, your pictures will be in an album labeled “public”.
Q: Is this similar to applying a gallery lock?
A: No. KeepSafe is a private photo gallery that locks away the pictures you put into it.
Q: How can I retrieve my PIN?
A: Open KeepSafe, then long-press on the KeepSafe logo to request your PIN.
Q: Can KeepSafe lock videos?
A: Yes, if you place videos into KeepSafe, they are locked behind the PIN pad.
Q: Does KeepSafe support .wmv video playback?
A: No, KeepSafe does not play back .wmv videos.
Q: Why are there ads?
A: KeepSafe Premium is ad-free. KeepSafe Basic sometimes has ads: http://bit.ly/1M3HmAc
Q: Can I take pictures out of this secret photo vault?
A: Yes, you can unhide pictures easily with a couple of taps.
Do you have other questions or comments about the image locker app KeepSafe? Reach out to us at: [email protected]keepsafe.com
You can also visit our support site at:
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KeepSafe Terms of Service:
keepsafe.com/privacy.html%2523terms%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNGc5-afvBzkmBCtmNgFK8sqy-mbOw&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNH3dUvtKrbTuFPMNtrNfMVzMsNcKA\” target=\”_blank\”>https://www.getkeepsafe.com/privacy.html#terms
KeepSafe Privacy Policy:
keepsafe.com/privacy.html%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNFXMr6Gzubb1uoc7VoUlP8UQdLMLA&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNGUTamvbmbZPsv6yFyYIMYY4DoD-Q\” target=\”_blank\”>https://www.getkeepsafe.com/privacy.html
Version: 9.39.1
File size: 16.61MB
Requires: Android 4.4+
Package Name: com.kii.safe
Developer: KeepSafe
Updated: July 29, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.60 stars – based on 1673263 reviews