Download Hydro Coach – Drink Water Reminder & Water Tracker Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Hydro Coach – Drink Water Reminder & Water Tracker 4.1.16 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Hydro Coach – Drink Water Reminder & Water Tracker is a free Health & Fitness app.
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The average rating is 4.60 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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Drinking water regularly is a big challenge in day-to-day life. Hands up – who really drinks enough water every day? Hydro Coach will help you by calculating how much water you need, tracking what you drink, and gently reminding you when to drink. It\’s time to unleash the power of water to improve your health. Because your health is worth it!
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Benefits of drinking water for your health:
* It’s an effective method of combating stress and tiredness
* Drinking enough water can clear up your skin
* Drinking enough water can improve your health in a few days
* It’s beneficial to weight loss and the basis of every professional diet
* Drinking more water can relieve headaches
Key features:
* Improve your health with personal drink notifications
* Keep perfect track of your water balance through a simply designed diary
* Get a graphical insight into your water drinking habits with week and month statistics
* Practical widgets provide clear information about your water intake
* Create custom drink volumes easily
* Supports imperial (fl. oz.) and Metric (ml) units
* Share your water intake with your friends
* Direct water input through your android wear
* Synchronization with your google account
How does it work?
Our formula calculates your ideal personal water requirement based on multiple factors like age, weight, gender and lifestyle. Select your favorite glass you normally use, and Hydro Coach will remind you to drink and refill it.
Version: 4.1.16
File size: 12.37MB
Requires: Android 4.1+
Package Name: com.codium.hydrocoach
Developer: Codium App Ideas
Updated: July 09, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.60 stars – based on 102697 reviews