Download Ghost Phone Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Ghost Phone 2.0.1 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Ghost Phone is a free Tools app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Ghost Phone 2.0.1 APK without any modifications.
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please contact us. Ghost Phone is the property and trademark from the developer Alex Mits.
This program lets you to restore / change the IMEI code of the phone that was lost when flashing or resetting to factory settings.
Mediatek 65xx/67xx processor supported only
Unlike other applications, this program does not mask, but changes* the real IMEI code
*The file MP0B_001 is changed, which contains the IMEI code in encrypted form.
★ Does not require manipulation Engineer Mode
★ Built-in correct IMEI code generator
★ Built-in IMEI CD code checker
★ Automatic calculation of the IMEI checksum
★ Changing WIFI MAC
★ Changing Bluetooth MAC
★ Changing Android ID
★ Changing GSF ID (Google Services Framework Identifier)
★ List of frequently used parameters
Version: 2.0.1
File size: 3.24MB
Requires: Android 4.2+
Package Name: com.rungetel.ghostphone
Developer: Alex Mits
Updated: January 12, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 4.92 stars – based on 12 reviews