Download Full Screen Video Caller ID Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Full Screen Video Caller ID 1.11 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Full Screen Video Caller ID is a free Lifestyle app.
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Now you can place a video as an incoming caller id instead of simple call screen / caller tones. You can place your own videos as incoming video caller id with full screen caller id. It will replace your old caller id and mobile ringtone to caller id with your selected video and video ringtone. It will change the look of your incoming calls. Place your favorite videos as a caller Id so that your can always see it when you get a incoming call. You can set videos specifically assigned for each separate contacts too creating individual video id as their caller id. So when you meet your friend, shoot a small video of his and assign it to his contact. Every time he calls your you\’ll see his video along with his voice.
Note : We have not provided any sample video within the app so you have to compulsory use your own video or download some from the internet.
App features :
– Assign video as a incoming caller id
– You can assign a default video for all contact and you can choose video separately for a particular contact too.
– The Video Caller id is a Full screen caller id.
– You can adjust the ringtone sound and video sound from within the app itself. You can keep both the sound or mute any.
– Totally free, that\’s why we serve ads.
– HD quality of video.
Version: 1.11
File size: 4.69MB
Requires: Android 4.1+
Package Name: com.king.video.callerid
Developer: Kings & Queens
Updated: March 18, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.00 stars – based on 1870 reviews