Download Free Chat & Dating Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Free Chat & Dating 4.2.7 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Free Chat & Dating is a free Dating app.
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The average rating is 4.30 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Free Chat & Dating is the property and trademark from the developer Free dating & marriage apps to meet new people.
Eris is a new android application to help people to contact to other people living around them or in other countries in order to find their true love and satisfy their lonely soul.
We are providing a very serious dating service for marriage and we have a huge database of people looking for serious relationship from all over the world mostly from western countries.
There are many people living in loneliness and waiting for the right person to get married and have a meaningful life.
People are generally meeting with the others around them mostly in their city. Our application helps people not only to meet people living near them but also from different countries and cultures. Sometimes it is much easier to find the right person from a different culture. On the other hand, there are many fake people around and exploiting love seekers by pretending to be a lovely one. Our system has a very advanced security against scammers, spammers and fake profiles. We are tracing whole system very frequently to detect profiles with different goals rather than serious relationship and marriage. We respect our members time and effort for searching the right person.
Our application eris has many features such as
Profile searching, Messaging, Media Calls, Translation, Sharing photos e.t.c
You need to subscribe in order to use this application. You can create your profile, add photos and give information about your interests.
You can search millions of singles on search page with many criterias
When you want to contact to someone you can use our highly advanced chatting, On chatting page, you can send and receive instant messages, share photos or emotions also, you can make video or voice calls.
Our media call service has high standards in terms of voice and image quality.
While your media call is in progress or established You can still turn back to chat page or contact to other people.
Since we have many international members, application provides also translation service. When your languages are different chat page asks you whether to enable translator or not, when you enabled it your messages are translated and then delivered to person you are talking, in the same way, you can read translated messages, This makes people to communicate to each other even though they do not have a common spoken language.
Application has many advanced settings for profile searching and filtering incoming contact requests
For example: you can set the distance in km so that you can only accept contact requests from withing a specific area. You can block certain countries or can only contact to people from certain locations, beside this, You can set age and photo filtering so that only people who have the information you set can contact to you.
You can also configure your notifications such as email and phone alerts.
We have all other features which most of the dating applications already have such as, viewing visitors, blocking and reporting people, sending gifts, sending and receiving messages, viewing and zooming profile photos etc.
The good news is that our services are %100 is free. It means you do not need to pay for anything . It is totally free and there is no any hidden payment in the system.
We hope that many people will get rid of their lonely days and will find their true love and life partner by means of using this application.
Version: 4.2.7
File size: 41.07MB
Requires: Android 4.1+
Package Name: com.mobile.android.eris
Developer: Free dating & marriage apps to meet new people
Updated: July 19, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.30 stars – based on 36815 reviews