Download EOBD Facile – OBD 2 Car Diagnostic for elm327 Wifi Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide EOBD Facile – OBD 2 Car Diagnostic for elm327 Wifi 3.11.0625 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
EOBD Facile – OBD 2 Car Diagnostic for elm327 Wifi is a free Productivity app.
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The average rating is 3.90 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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Run a diagnosis on your car with your Smartphone or Android tablet… and discover why your engine light is on… no need to check the manufacturer\’s manual !
Connect an ELM 327 interface to your car\’s OBD port (OBD2) and run the application: you will be able to read the engine and transmission fault codes and view data from your vehicle in real time.
Over 400,000 downloads already!
Our application requires a Bluetooth or WiFi compatible ELM327 OBD2 interface like the one we offer: http://www.boutiqueobdfacile.com/elm327-obd2-bluetooth-android/
• View engine and transmission fault codes (also known as DTCs) and see their meaning (over 5,000 definitions available)
• Delete fault codes
• Clear the MIL : Malfunction Indicator Light (check engine light)
• See manufacturer-specific OBD2 error codes for the following brands: Renault, Peugeot, Citroen, Opel, BMW, Ford, Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Mercedes, GM, Chevrolet, Pontiac etc.
• Real-time display of vehicle sensors and possibility of recording in a file. Depending on your vehicle\’s configuration you will be able to see: vehicle speed, engine rpm, engine temperature, ignition timing, engine torque, the amount of air intake, etc.
• Create records of your trips on your SD card and read them using our EOBD-Facile PC/ Mac software
To check whether your vehicle is compatible with the E OBD/OBD2 standard and our application, visit our website where a list of vehicles tested by users of our software is available: http://www.outilsobdfacile.com/vehicle-list-compatible-obd2.php
For more information on our application and OBD visit our website: http://www.outilsobdfacile.com
Customer reviews:
\”A very practical application\”
\”Perfect for simple diagnostics\”
\”Ford Falcon BA (Australia) This is the only software I could find that would read the error codes on the above car.\”
\”Easy to use worked first try The only one that decoded my Alfa Romero error straight up. Worth the price.\”
\”Worked where others have failed (torque)! Only used it on a Peugeot 206 2.0HDI 2002, but it worked a treat, nothing else I tried could be connected to the ECU. \”
\”Good. Does what is expected. More data would be a plus. \”
\”Excellent. Very good app that complements the EOBD PC software. No need to use a PC for a basic diag with this free app and a Bluetooth elm27 OBD2 interface. I recommend it! Thank you\”
Version: 3.11.0625
File size: 27.50MB
Requires: Android 4.1+
Package Name: org.eobdfacile.android
Developer: Outils OBD Facile
Updated: August 12, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 3.90 stars – based on 13930 reviews