Download Edge Lighting : Notification, Rounded Corner Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Edge Lighting : Notification, Rounded Corner 2.5.3 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Edge Lighting : Notification, Rounded Corner is a free Personalization app.
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Have you seen the stunning effects of the Samsung Galaxy S9? Are you impressed with them?
Galaxy Edge Lighting will bring them to your phone.
We collected the most hot features and helped them working perfectly.
★ Galaxy Edge Lighting :
Color effects will run around your screen when incoming calls or new notification arrive. Take your phone down to see the magic.
Customize options for user:
– Edge Lighting color effect
– Edge Lighting duration animation
– Edge Lighting speed animation
– Edge Lighting Thickness line
★ Galaxy Edge Notification effect :
Beautiful notification icon with animation will appear at the top when new notifications are available
You can chose specific application to display in notification edge.
★Galaxy Edge Rounded Corners:
Your screen will be rounded 4 corners like the trends phone such as : Samsung Galaxy S9, Samsung Galaxy S8, Find X, IP X …
Customize options for user:
– Rounded Corners radius
– Rounded Corners color
– Rounded Corners opacity
If you have feel good with my app. Please rating 5 * to support developer.
Don’t hesitate contact me if have any suggestion.
Thank and appreciate !
#EdgeLighting #GalaxyEdgeLighting #EdgeNotification #EdgeRoundCorner
Version: 2.5.3
File size: 3.08MB
Requires: Android 4.3+
Package Name: com.flysoft.panel.edgelighting
Developer: flysoftvn
Updated: July 16, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.50 stars – based on 22253 reviews