Download CPU Identifier Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide CPU Identifier 2.4.1 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
CPU Identifier is a free Tools app.
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Hardware Info is a system and hardware information, diagnostic and analysis tool for Android devices. It displays detailed information on the hardware components of an Android device. It detects the central processing unit, RAM, motherboard chipset and other hardware features of your Android smartphone and presents the information in simple tabs view.
Key features –
– System Info : detailed information about your Android OS, runtime, kernel and SDK.
– CPU Info : provides information about CPU architecture, CPU cores with real-time core clock measurements and CPU usage.
– Display Info : reports information about screen resolution, pixel density and aspect ratio.
– Graphics Info : provides information about GPU and video driver.
– Memory Info : detailed analysis of RAM including RAM usage, buffers, cache and swap.
– Camera Info : diagnostic tool for your camera hardware, reports information about picture resolution, lens, focal length and other camera features.
– Storage Info : shows information about storage devices (HDDs, eMMCs, SD Cards).
– Battery Info : detailed diagnostic of your device battery including charge capacity, output voltage and battery temperature.
– Sensors Info : reports information about sensors like accelerometer and magnetometer including range, resolution and power usage.
System requirements :
-Android 4.1 or later.
Required permissions :
-CAMERA : Hardware Info requires camera hardware to show camera information, Hardware Info does not take photos or videos.
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Note : Android 6.0 users grant CAMERA permission when installing Hardware Info
Version: 2.4.1
File size: 2.03MB
Requires: Android 4.1+
Package Name: com.xsoftstudio.androtics
Developer: xSoft Studio
Updated: August 21, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 4.70 stars – based on 21716 reviews