Download Cosmic Destruction Alien Fight Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Cosmic Destruction Alien Fight 1.0.2 APK + OBB file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Cosmic Destruction Alien Fight is a free Action game.
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The average rating is 4.48 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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This is a video game that involves Ben traveling to iconic real-world locations in search of the parts to an ancient Galvan artifact called the Potis Altiare to save the Earth from total destruction by an evil To\’kustar.
Ben, Gwen and Kevin are fighting a group of Forever Knights in a catacomb in Rome. Ben tries to transform to help Gwen and Kevin fight the Forever Knights, but Jimmy Jones keeps trying to call Ben about something. Eventually, Ben gets separated from Gwen and Kevin, and begins trying to find his way out of the catacombs.
The Plumber ships approach the cosmic storm, but a powerful blast destroys them. Meanwhile, Ben, Gwen, and Kevin see Null Void creatures attacking France. The group goes to France to stop them. At a Forever Knight museum, Ben finds the Vreedle Brothers who are trying to steal an alien artifact. After defeating them, Sunder arrives and steals the artifact.
Alien Fight is the new game that introduces the new alien heroes: Water Hazard, Armodrillo, AmpFibian, Terraspin and NRG from the Ben Ultimate Alien television series, allowing players to tunnel or beat through evil alien enemies, unleash water blasts, emit radiation beams, shoot electricity bolts and fire, wind attacks, and more, with a unique experience system which lets them upgrade alien attributes and abilities. The game also provides all-new game enhancements such as Quick Switch, which allows players to switch alien forms faster than ever, and Quick Time Events which creates a cinematic experience that guides players through fierce boss battles and challenging puzzle elements. Players will control Ben and up to 16 alien heroes including Ultimate Big Chill
[Playable Aliens]
– AmpFibian
– Armodrillo
– Big Chill
– Echo Echo
– Humungousaur
[Forever Knights]
* Spartan
* Spartan Ranged
* Forever Knight Melee
* Forever Knight Ranged
* Forever Ninja Melee
* Forever Ninja Ranged
* Samurai
* Vulkanus (Mini Boss)
* Enoch (Boss)
* Vreedle Brothers (Mini Boss in Paris, Boss in Amazon)
* Sunder (Boss)
* Kraab (Mini Boss)
* Sevenseven (Boss)
* Terracotta General (Mini Boss)
* Terracotta Dragon (Boss)
* Zombozo (Mini Boss)
* Wired Cooper (Boss)
* Carl Nesmith (Mini Boss)
* Psyphon (Boss)
* Evil Way Big (final battle)
Version: 1.0.2
File size: 734.40MB
Requires: Android 4.0.3+
Package Name: com.bentenUltimateAlien.cosmicDistriction
Developer: FFLab
Updated: March 15, 2017
Price: Free
Rate 4.48 stars – based on 113 reviews