Download Contacts Optimizer Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Contacts Optimizer 6.1.4 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Contacts Optimizer is a free Productivity app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Contacts Optimizer 6.1.4 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.38 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Contacts Optimizer then you may visit Compelson Labs support center for more information
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please contact us. Contacts Optimizer is the property and trademark from the developer Compelson Labs.
* The advanced duplicates removal is the most popular function of the product, so we provide it for FREE, plus contacts editing, allowing moving individual contacts to different accounts. You can try all toolbox functions and purchase PRO only if needed.
Your contacts are the most important data in your phone, right? This application will deeply analyze your phonebook and bring it close to perfection. The built-in intelligence will surprise you. Users say this application is so useful it should be included with every phone. It will save you hours of work, quickly paying for itself.
Contacts optimizer\’s powerful features and beautifully simple interface puts you in charge of your contacts again:
• Remove all duplicates and even find similar contacts
• Every individual optimization function at your fingertips
• Edit Contacts feature with Move to account function
• Mass move of selected contacts between accounts
• Move all contacts – a powerful function for moving contacts between accounts. You can combine your contacts from Phone Memory to Google to have them all synchronized and then find and delete all duplicates.
• The ability to quickly delete individual contacts you no longer need
• Correct and nicely format phone numbers
• Locate potentially incorrect contacts which cannot be dialed
• Find all incomplete contacts that have an important contact field empty
• Clean contacts removing empty fields
• Add international prefixes and country codes where needed
• Merge contact fragments into one rich contact
• Locate contacts in your messages and calls that have not yet been saved
• Digitizing of vanity numbers like 1-800-MY-GOOGLE
• Edit, Delete, Select all or unselect all contacts at any time, just tap and hold the contact
=== Here it is in the brand new version 5.0!
We have carefully read all your reviews and emails and worked hard to bring you all you wanted:
• Finding even more duplicates by searching within contact subfields, available also in the free version!
• Now you can try all toolbox functions in the free version and purchase PRO only if you like them
• Filtering of contacts in all views provides you an easy way to work with a group of contacts
• Search and replace enables mass changes in contact names, country codes, notes, emails and all other fields
• Manual merge of individual contacts using filtering is really easy
• Arrange contacts on the screen according to your preference
• New optimization algorithms identify and solve more problems in contacts
• Contacts are listed on one screen instead of splitting them into pages
• Many improvements in the user experience
• Many other improvements and bugfixes
Thanks to all paying customers!
We are investing a lot of effort into this application, please rate it or let us know your feedback at [email protected].
Important note:
Different phones have different implementation of contacts. If the application is not showing your contacts, please let us know what phone you are using and what accounts you have. We will be happy to support it for you.
Version: 6.1.4
File size: 751.57kB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.compelson.optimizer
Developer: Compelson Labs
Updated: February 27, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.38 stars – based on 41550 reviews