Download Builder for Clash of Clans Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Builder for Clash of Clans 4.0.3 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Builder for Clash of Clans is a free Entertainment app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Builder for Clash of Clans 4.0.3 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 3.79 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Builder for Clash of Clans is the property and trademark from the developer YELLOW APPS.
Builder for Clash of Clans is an unofficial app for Clash of Clans.
Are you looking for a new design for your Clash village? Would you like to design your Clash of Clans (COC) village without leaving the game to see it? With COC Builder, you will see countless villages and build that best suits your requirements, depending on your level of Town Hall and village type you want:
-Clan war
And most importantly, you will see the COC village you want to use in a floating window within the game, without leaving this to copy and can adapt the window size you want, depending on the size of your device.
★ Floating Window, you can design your village without leaving the COC game.
★ Countless Clans of Clans villages.
★ TH selector and type of COC village.
★ Updates new villages regularly.
★ feedback system that will allow you to view the best COC villages voted.
★ Easy and intuitive user design.
★ Optimized for tablet and mobile devices
Coc Builder is an unofficial app about the famous strategy game.
All logos, images, characters and content are copyright of their respective owners.
The aim of this app is only for fans enjoyment of the game.
Contact us directly if you have any concern about copyright or trademark violation.
Version: 4.0.3
File size: 5.29MB
Requires: Android 4.1+
Package Name: com.townhall.adam.aplicacion
Developer: YELLOW APPS
Updated: June 12, 2016
Price: Free
Rate 3.79 stars – based on 42615 reviews