Download Boxer – Workspace ONE Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Boxer – Workspace ONE APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Boxer – Workspace ONE is a free Business app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Boxer – Workspace ONE APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 3.70 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Boxer – Workspace ONE then you may visit Boxer support center for more information
All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Boxer – Workspace ONE is the property and trademark from the developer Boxer.
Boxer is a faster, smarter, secure email app that supports your Gmail, Exchange, Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, iCloud, Office 365, IMAP & POP3 mail accounts. With integrations to your favorite services like Dropbox, Box and Evernote, it’s easier than ever to stay organized.
Boxer is available and optimized for Android smartphones and tablets.
Boxer is a proud Webby Award Nominee for Best Mobile Productivity App 2015!
The press loves the Boxer mail app:
* \”This mail client is fast and efficient, and very smartly designed.\” -Dave Johnson, CBS Moneywatch *****
* “The quick replies are pretty fantastic.” -Mat Honan, WIRED *****
* \”Boxer has a whole set of tools for dealing with emails. You can easily archive with a swipe, send instant auto responses, add emails to a to-do list, and ‘like’ incoming messages so people know you saw it without requiring an actual response.\” -Thorin Klosowski, Lifehacker *****
* SWIPE TO DELETE – Swipe to archive, trash, spam, and 9 other custom options
* CLOUD ATTACHMENTS – Dropbox and Box support
* EVERNOTE INTEGRATION – Send emails to Evernote with just a tap
* SEND AVAILABILITY – (this feature only works with Boxer Calendar)
* GMAIL LABELS – Full Gmail label support
* SMART FOLDERS – Boxer remembers where you like to file things
* CONFIGURABLE INTERFACE – Don\’t like our swipe actions? You can change them in the settings.
* PROFILE PICTURES – See who your message is from with profile pictures right in your inbox
* CANNED RESPONSES – Use \”Quick” replies to send common responses while on the go
* TODO LIST – Swipe to your To-Do list and never forget an important message
* EMAIL “LIKES” – You can Like an email to quickly acknowledge a friend’s message
Swipe Actions:
Great tools mold themselves to fit you better over time. You’ll love the ability to quickly swipe left to archive, delete, or mark as spam. Choose from 12 options and customize your swipes to fit your style.
Send Availability:
Choose multiple times you\’re available and send them with just a tap. No more back and forth to find the right time.
Cloud File Integration:
Important files in the cloud? With Boxer, you can attach a photo or add a file from Dropbox or Box when you send a message.
We\’ve added a Like button to your mailbox. Tap Like to quickly acknowledge a friend\’s message and they\’ll know you \”liked\” it. It\’s the fastest way to respond and let them know you got it.
The To-do feature moves the selected message from your Inbox to your personal To-do list within Boxer.
Profile Photos:
See who your messages are from with the addition of profile images.
Boxer is a true email client and connects directly to your mail provider for the ultimate in speed, security and availability.
2 free apps, 1 powerful combination. Boxer Email and Boxer Calendar combine for a compelling, complete solution. Make sure to download Boxer Calendar today to unlock all the best features of both.
Need help with Boxer Email? Have an idea for a new feature? Visit our help center at http://support.getboxer.com.
If you love Boxer Email, we greatly appreciate 5 star reviews, thank you notes to [email protected], or say hello to @boxer on twitter.
Boxer For Exchange:
• Exchange support (via ActiveSync)
Boxer Pro:
• Multiple account support
• Custom quick replies
• Custom signatures
Boxer Pro + Exchange:
• Multiple account support
• Custom quick replies
• Custom signature
• Exchange support (via ActiveSync)
Boxer may offer promotions that you can take advantage of which may include the use of SMS. In this case, standard text message rates may apply from your wireless provider.
File size: 75.22MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.boxer.email
Developer: Boxer
Updated: July 08, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 3.70 stars – based on 22045 reviews