Download AVG Protection for Xperia™ Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide AVG Protection for Xperia™ 6.17.4 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
AVG Protection for Xperia™ is a free Tools app.
Downloadpcapk.com helps you to install any apps or games available on Google Play Store. You can download Apps Apk to desktop of your PC with Windows 7,8,10 OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS. Also you can download apk files for your phones and tablets (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone and other brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, HKphone, Skye, Huawei…).
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for AVG Protection for Xperia™ 6.17.4 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.60 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about AVG Protection for Xperia™ then you may visit AVG Mobile support center for more information
All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. AVG Protection for Xperia™ is the property and trademark from the developer AVG Mobile.
Protect your Xperia™ smartphone and tablet against viruses, malware, spyware, phishing attempts and online exploitation in real-time with AVG’s full featured Android™ protection.
✔ Scan apps, settings, files and calls in real-time for malicious viruses, malware and spyware
✔ Enable finding/locating your lost/stolen phone via Google Maps™
✔ Lock your phone remotely and wipe its content in case it was stolen
✔ Filter or block unwanted calls
✔ Kill tasks and processes that can slow down your phone
✔ Keep track of battery, storage and data package usage
✔Manage your online privacy settings on Facebook®, Google®, Twitter® and LinkedIn®
✔Get remote management to other devices you add to your private AVG network
Take advantage of your 180 day FREE full access to AVG’s premium features:
★ App Lock – protect sensitive apps with a password
★ App Backup – backup your apps onto your SD card
★ Camera Trap – get a discreet email with a photo of anyone who enters 3 wrong passwords when trying to unlock your locked phone
★ Device Lock – locks your phone whenever the SIM card is replaced
App features:
✔ Antivirus and Malware scan
✔ Scan websites for harmful threats (applicable to Android\’s default browser and Chrome only)
✔ Task and Process Killer
✔ Keep track of battery consumption and enable power saving
✔ Keep track of 3G /4G mobile data plan usage
✔ Optimize storage space
Anti-Theft & Phone Location: (using the AVG website or text messages (SMS))
✔ Locate your lost/stolen phone via Google Maps™
✔ Lock your phone and wipe its content
✔ Make your phone ring even if it is on silent mode
★ Use our Camera Trap to discreetly email you a photo of anyone who enters 3 wrong passwords when trying to unlock your phone
★ Use our Device Lock to automatically lock your phone whenever the SIM card is replaced
★ App Lock: protect sensitive apps with a password
★ App Backup: backup your apps onto your SD card
✔ Call Blocker: block or filter spammers, hackers and scammers
✔ Wipe the entire content of your phone, format an SD card or restore your phone to factory settings
✔Manage your online privacy settings on Facebook®, Google®, Twitter® and LinkedIn®. Set them up to be as private as you want them to be, manage your crowd and help protect loved ones
AVG Protection now lets you create your own private network of devices. Use it to view the Protection, Privacy, Performance or Anti-Theft status of these other devices and perform remote actions:
✔ Android – scan and update the virus database
✔ PC – for AVG AntiVirus – scan and fix threats. For AVG TuneUp – remote maintenance
✔ MAC® – enable real-time protection
Keep track of all your household’s PC’s, laptops and Android smartphones & tablets for better protection, improved performance, and enhanced privacy.
By installing/updating this app, you agree that your use of it is governed by these terms: http://m.avg.com/terms
Xperia™ is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Mobile Communications Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Version: 6.17.4
File size: 28.41MB
Requires: Android 5.0+
Package Name: com.s.antivirus
Developer: AVG Mobile
Updated: March 20, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.60 stars – based on 349549 reviews