Download Athan: Prayer Times, Azan, Al Quran & Qibla Finder Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Athan: Prayer Times, Azan, Al Quran & Qibla Finder 5.8.1 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Athan: Prayer Times, Azan, Al Quran & Qibla Finder is a free Lifestyle app.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Athan: Prayer Times, Azan, Al Quran & Qibla Finder 5.8.1 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.70 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Athan: Prayer Times, Azan, Al Quran & Qibla Finder then you may visit Islamic Finder Foundation support center for more information
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please contact us. Athan: Prayer Times, Azan, Al Quran & Qibla Finder is the property and trademark from the developer Islamic Finder Foundation.
The Athan app helps you stay on top of your prayers by providing timely prayer alerts and useful tools such as finding the Qibla direction and directions to nearby mosques.
Athan also helps you achieve prayer discipline in your busy life by providing a fun and easy way to track your prayers. Every time you log your prayers, you increase your score, unlocking badges and achieving elite levels along the way.
Additionally, the app comes with a beautiful widget, which will let view time for the upcoming prayers from the convenience of your home screen, without the need to launch the app.
– Prayer times for hundred of cities world wide along with timely reminders wherever you are
– Nearby mosque finder, along with contact information and directions
– Integrated Qibla directions for hundred of cities worldwide
– Ability to track your prayers by logging them in your own personalized prayer book
– Hijri to Gregorian date conversion (and vice versa)
– Hear the Athan at every prayer time (configurable)
– Quick access to all prayer times via a beautiful widget
Version: 5.8.1
File size: 16.84MB
Requires: Android 4.4+
Package Name: com.athan
Developer: Islamic Finder Foundation
Updated: July 15, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.70 stars – based on 145352 reviews