Download Tongits Wars Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Tongits Wars 2.512.70 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Tongits Wars is a free Card game.
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please contact us. Tongits Wars is the property and trademark from the developer Optimal Solution Pte. Ltd..
Tongits Wars is the rendition of the most popular card game in the Philippines which has gained worldwide popularity. Unlike poker which focuses entirely on luck and face projection, Tongits is more interactive as it involves a lot of strategic play to win the game. Players can totally manipulate their luck by doing decisive actions.
Play with friends, global players, A.I. heroes and special characters. Don\’t like playing online? No worries, you can choose to play offline to practice your skills.
Level up, beat world records and gain achievements to become a Legendary Tongits Warrior!
How to play Tongits:
To win the game, you need to connect your cards and have a Hand\’s Value of zero or the least count possible.
This is done by grouping your cards strategically to form Melds or Poker Hands.
An un-grouped card must be Dumped or discarded to end your turn and decrease your Hand\’s Value.
Group Cards
To group cards, drag and drop one or more cards to another card or group in an open space in your hand\’s area.
Tip: You can utilize the Sort buttons to group your cards automatically.
Ungroup Cards
To ungroup cards, just double tap or click the card group twice.
To Pick a card, tap the Deck Pile at the beginning of your turn.
To Dump a card, tap a single or ungrouped card from your hand and then tap the Dump Pile.
To Chow a card, tap the card group first from your hand and then tap the Chow Card from the Dump Pile. You can only do this at the beginning of your turn.
Drop Meld
To Drop a meld, tap the target meld or card group then tap your Drop Area.
To Sapaw, tap the card or card group that you want to Sapaw then tap the target Dropped Meld.
To raise a Fight, tap the Fight button. You can only do this at the beginning of your turn and if you are qualified to do so. That is if you don\’t have a Sapaw on any of your Dropped Melds and you have the required number of Dropped Melds to raise a Fight.
Tip: Smart Action hinting is activated every time you select a card or card group. It will highlight possible actions for you automatically.
Version: 2.512.70
File size: 58.07MB
Requires: Android 5.0+
Package Name: com.codetribelabs.TongitsWars
Developer: Optimal Solution Pte. Ltd.
Updated: December 09, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 4.50 stars – based on 31906 reviews