Download Taps to Riches Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Taps to Riches 2.41 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Taps to Riches is a free Simulation game.
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Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Taps to Riches 2.41 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.50 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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please contact us. Taps to Riches is the property and trademark from the developer Game Circus LLC.
Build your empire one city at a time in this new tap idler sure to make you money hungry! Tap to make money, tap to upgrade your business buildings, and tap some more! Unlock and collect as many Advisors and Bizbots as you can to upgrade your business value, build your cities faster, and earn a stash of cash as you rise from rags to riches! Valuable Adviser bonuses will have you tapping even faster!
From the creators of Coin Dozer and Brick Breaker Hero, Taps to Riches will have you tapping everywhere you go!
Start from the bottom as a newly freed villain with big dreams of once again achieving world domination. Tap your way into riches and money by upgrading buildings and investing in your city. The more cash you invest in businesses the more money they produce for you. Hire valuable Advisors to unlock special business bonuses, and use Bizbot resources for even more cash bonuses!
– Multiple cities for you to expand into and take over, each providing a more difficult challenge!
– Hundreds of hilarious Advisers available for business bonuses! Collect them all!
– Dare to reset your progress and take advantage of Bizbots, a precious resource that give you even more bonuses per tap!
– Buy and upgrade your businesses to see them evolve into architectural masterpieces!
– Tons of Bonuses and Achievements for you to discover with all of your tapping frenzy!
– More features to come!
Version: 2.41
File size: 66.02MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.gamecircus.tycoon
Developer: Game Circus LLC
Updated: June 03, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.50 stars – based on 271663 reviews