Download Mega Player Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Mega Player 1.0.1 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Mega Player is a free Video Players & Editors app.
Downloadpcapk.com helps you to install any apps or games available on Google Play Store. You can download Apps Apk to desktop of your PC with Windows 7,8,10 OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS. Also you can download apk files for your phones and tablets (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone and other brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, HKphone, Skye, Huawei…).
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Mega Player 1.0.1 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 5.00 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Mega Player then you may visit MegaPlayer support center for more information
All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Mega Player is the property and trademark from the developer MegaPlayer.
Mega Player is the free video player that will allow you to turn your Android into a complete entertainment system!
With Mega Player it is possible to easily play local videos and playlists. It supports different formats of videos and playlists, thanks to its multiple functions it makes the user experience more enriching.
Thanks to the simple graphic interface and compatibility with Chromecast, you can enjoy the different supported video formats on your TV.
Mega Player is free and allows you to play live video links. Just connect Chromecast to your TV and start enjoying the content.
– Video player: supports most and most popular video formats, AVI, ASF, MOV, AVCHD, FLV, H264, HEVC, MOV, MP3, MP4, MPG, MTS, OGG, M3U8, as well as protocols HTTP type; HTTPS; RMPT, RTSP among others.
– List player: it is possible to add custom or third party lists compatible with the player so you can enjoy a selection of videos.
– Transmit the content: If the screen of your mobile phone is too small, that\’s no problem, thanks to the compatibility with Google Chromecast you can enjoy the formats supported on your TV.
The official version of Mega Player is whose package matches \”app.mega.player\” and is hosted on Google Play. Likewise we do not include or guarantee access to the contents, so the user will be the one who must load the playlists. These lists are created by users or by third parties, so they are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and they do not have any relationship or collaboration with Mega Player.
If your rights are violated by any public list, let us know. We will collaborate with you so that this list is unable to be reproduced in our applications.
It is forbidden to use Mega Player to play illegal content or protected by copyright if you do not have the permissions to view them. To obtain more information on how to acquire these rights, you can consult the current legislation of each country.
Our sources of financing are the announcements, it is possible that third parties collect data about your device in order to improve the user experience. As a result, we include a paid option that allows you to remove the ads within the app, in such a way that all advertising is hidden.
By downloading this app, you are accepting our terms of use.
– Mega Player does not include or distribute multimedia content.
– The user must provide content to be reproduced
– Mega Player does not relate to or collaborate with users to create lists.
– Mega Player can take measures that result in the suspension of content or users if the same uses the player for illicit purposes.
Version: 1.0.1
File size: 21.17MB
Requires: Android 4.1+
Package Name: app.mega.player
Developer: MegaPlayer
Updated: November 03, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 5.00 stars – based on 13 reviews