Download Game Tuner Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Game Tuner 3.4.05 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Game Tuner is a free Tools app.
Downloadpcapk.com helps you to install any apps or games available on Google Play Store. You can download Apps Apk to desktop of your PC with Windows 7,8,10 OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS. Also you can download apk files for your phones and tablets (Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone and other brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, HKphone, Skye, Huawei…).
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Game Tuner 3.4.05 APK without any modifications.
The average rating is 4.10 out of 5 stars on playstore.
If you want to know more about Game Tuner then you may visit Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. support center for more information
All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,
please contact us. Game Tuner is the property and trademark from the developer Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd..
▶ v2.0 Update
1. Cheers, love! The Tuner\’s here!
The game list appears first, and you can see all of the modes on one page.
2. Feelin\’ blue
There was only one custom mode, you can add/remove it at will.
3. Wow, what are these all about?
The new features added include: Texture Quality control, Smart Dimming, Frame rate Info and more.
4. Not a game but… You wanna play, too? That\’ll be fun~
You can also set the resolution of apps that aren\’t games.
5. It\’s a game, I said, game!
You can directly set apps as games by changing each app\’s category.
(This change will be applied to Game Launcher and Game Tools on the Galaxy S7/S7 edge.)
6. Is this for my galaxy?
Supported devices are added.
(Galaxy Note Pro, Galaxy Tab S 8.4, Galaxy Tab S 10.5)
※ Black Screen issue
If you have updated your device from Android Lollipop to Android Marshmallow and see BLACK SCREEN on launching Game Tuner, please see this.
This issue occurs on upgrading GameService. Please clear data of GameService to fix this issue.
Detailed steps are followed:
Settings – Applications – Applications manager – MORE – Show system apps – GameService – Storage – \’Clear Data\’
Launch Game Tuner.
Game Tuner is an app that keeps your phone cool and saves battery life by tuning the resolution and frame rate of your games.
▶ Key Features
1. Control your games\’ resolution, frame rate, and texture quality.
– Enhance gaming performance, play longer by reducing battery consumption, and minimize app-refresh by decreasing memory usage.
– If you want to, you can set it to use 100% of device performance.
2. Easily shift gaming environments with custom game modes.
– With 5 basic game modes, you can add/remove custom modes to control each game differently.
– Changing game mode is really easy with the Game Tuner widget.
3. Tune the resolution of apps that aren\’t games.
– It\’s not just for games, now Game Tuner can control the resolution of apps that aren\’t games.
– If the app uses a lot of battery, you can use it for longer by reducing its resolution.
4. Change each app\’s category.
– If a game isn\’t recognized by Game Tuner yet, you can set it as a \’game\’ yourself.
– These changes will be applied on Galaxy S7/S7 edge\’s Game Launcher and Game Tools.
▶ GameService
– Game Tuner needs GameService in order to operate.
– You can install/update GameService through Game Tuner. Please visit the GameService page in Galaxy Apps via the pop-up or the notification that appears when Game Tuner is launched.
– If you have disabled GameService, Game Tuner won\’t work. Please keep GameService enabled.
▶ Supported Devices
– Galaxy S7
– Galaxy S7 edge
– Galaxy Note 5
– Galaxy Note 4
– Galaxy Note Edge
– Galaxy S6 Edge +
– Galaxy S6 Edge
– Galaxy S6
– Galaxy S6 Active
– Galaxy S5 (SM-G906S/K/L only)
– Galaxy Tab S2
– Galaxy Tab S (8.4\”, 10.5\”)
– Galaxy Note Pro
Version: 3.4.05
File size: 4.99MB
Requires: Android 6.0+
Package Name: com.samsung.android.gametuner.thin
Developer: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Updated: December 04, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 4.10 stars – based on 40919 reviews