Download EveryCircuit Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide EveryCircuit 2.21 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
EveryCircuit is a free Education app.
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The average rating is 4.20 out of 5 stars on playstore.
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All joking aside, this time you will understand how electronic circuits work.
\”I stumbled upon some serious gold\” – GeekBeat.tv
\”This app takes design to a whole new level of interactivity\” – Design News
Build any circuit, tap play button, and watch dynamic voltage, current, and charge animations. This gives you insight into circuit operation like no equation does. While simulation is running, adjust circuit parameters with analog knob, and the circuit responds to your actions in real time. You can even generate an arbitrary input signal with your finger!
That\’s interactivity and innovation you can\’t find in best SPICE tools for PC like Multisim, LTspice, OrCad or PSpice (trademarks belong to their respective owners).
EveryCircuit is not just an eye candy. Under the hood it packs custom-built simulation engine optimized for interactive mobile use, serious numerical methods, and realistic device models. In short, Ohm\’s law, Kirchhoff\’s current and voltage laws, nonlinear semiconductor device equations, and all the good stuff is there.
Growing library of components gives you freedom to design any analog or digital circuit from a simple voltage divider to transistor-level masterpiece.
Schematic editor features automatic wire routing, and minimalistic user interface. No nonsense, less tapping, more productivity.
Simplicity, innovation, and power, combined with mobility, make EveryCircuit a must-have companion for high school science and physics students, electrical engineering college students, breadboard and printed circuit board (PCB) enthusiasts, and ham radio hobbyists.
Create an account to unlock the full functionality for a limited time. The full version will employ all of your imagination, and all the screen area of your tablet. Join EveryCircuit cloud community to store your circuits on cloud, access them from any of your devices, explore public community circuits and share your own designs. The app requires a permission to access your account for authentication in EveryCircuit community.
Thanks to Prof. N. Maghari for technical discussions, feedback, and help with designing circuit examples.
+ Growing public library of community circuits
+ Animations of voltage waveforms and current flows
+ Animations of capacitor charges
+ Analog control knob adjusts circuit parameters
+ Automatic wire routing
+ Oscilloscope
+ Seamless DC and transient simulation
+ Single play/pause button controls simulation
+ Saving and loading of circuit schematic
+ Mobile simulation engine built from ground-up
+ Shake the phone to kick-start oscillators
+ Intuitive user interface
+ No Ads
+ Sources, signal generators
+ Controlled sources, VCVS, VCCS, CCVS, CCCS
+ Resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers
+ Voltmeter, amperemeter, ohmmeter
+ Potentiometer, lamp
+ Switches, SPST, SPDT
+ Push buttons, NO, NC
+ Diodes, Zener diodes, light emitting diodes (LED)
+ MOS transistors (MOSFET)
+ Bipolar junction transistors (BJT)
+ Ideal operational amplifier (opamp)
+ Digital logic gates, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR
+ Relay
+ 555 timer
+ Counter
+ 7-segment display and decoder
+ More components
If you like it, please rate, review, and buy!
Version: 2.21
File size: 10.57MB
Requires: Android 4.0+
Package Name: com.everycircuit.free
Developer: MuseMaze
Updated: July 16, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 4.20 stars – based on 45494 reviews