Download Equalizer FX. Pro Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Equalizer FX. Pro 3.3.2 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Equalizer FX. Pro is a free Music & Audio app.
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The Equalizer FX allows you to improve sound quality of your android device to get more to enjoy of listening music.
The application Equalizer FX lets you adjust the sound effect levels so you can get the better out of your music.
Application includes:
– Equalizer. Audio filter to change the frequency envelope of the sound.
– Bass boost. Audio effect to boost or amplify low frequencies of the sound.
– Virtualization. Audio effect to virtualize audio channels. Allow you to enhance stereo effect.
– Loudness Enhancer. Loudness Enhancer is an audio effect for increasing music loudness. (Only for Android 4.4 and higher)
– 12 presets. Also you able to create your own presets.
The application works with music players and audio streaming services like Pandora, Spotify, TuneIn Radio, VK, etc.
– Equalizer Widgets for your home screen.
– Automatically on/off when music player starts/stops playing music.
– Flexible configuration.
Note: Equalizer FX is not working with FM radio.
Since Android Oreo you can hide icon via Android settings.
Version: 3.3.2
File size: 1.73MB
Requires: Android 4.0.3+
Package Name: com.devdnua.equalizer
Developer: devdnua
Updated: June 03, 2018
Price: Free
Rate 4.20 stars – based on 2930 reviews