Download Always On Display From S7 G5 Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide Always On Display From S7 G5 1.7.4 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Always On Display From S7 G5 is a free Lifestyle app.
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New trend of the season – Always On Display!
Try the new feature from Samsung™ Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 edge and LG G5.
Previously, to see the date and time it was necessary to switch on the phone …
You many times a day just to turn on screen viewing time.
This requires a battery and the phone quickly discharged.
Turn on – turn off screen also requires you to unnecessary movements, which are sometimes very inconvenient to perform.
Now with our new app is not necessary!
Because, the clock will be permanently displayed on your screen.
It is convenient and practical!
* Samsung Gear S2™ Watchface skin;
* You can select the color of the text that you want;
* Screen will be automatically turned off when the phone is in your pocket or bag (this feature is only available for devices that have a proximity sensor) to reduce consumption of batteries;
Also as soon as possible, we will add new features:
* Display battery level;
* Choosing display images;
* Display notifications;
* Ability to select the information that will be displayed on screen;
* Font selection;
* A lot of skins (themes);
Dear Users,
Most of Your wishes was implemented, but not all…
Don\’t worry, we working on this.
Version: 1.7.4
File size: 1.50MB
Requires: Android 4.4+
Package Name: com.orthur.always_on_display
Developer: RttiLink
Updated: November 26, 2017
Price: Free
Rate 2.84 stars – based on 5578 reviews