A+ Gallery – Photos & Videos

Download A+ Gallery – Photos & Videos Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.

We provide A+ Gallery – Photos & Videos APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
A+ Gallery – Photos & Videos is a free Photography app.
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iPhone style photo gallery. Sync photos to Dropbox, Facebook or Amazon cloud drive. Full-feature photo album organizer.

Combines the best of Android and iPhone! Material design and iPhone style album organizer!
Full material design!
iPhone style photo time view, see photos in Year/Collections/Moments view.
Playing videos with our unique quick seek technology!
The only video player that displays thumbnails!
Free cloud backup to Dropbox, Facebook and Amazon cloud drive.
Very flexible sync options, allows you to subscribe/backup/sync to Dropbox / Facebook / Amazon cloud drive.
Searching photos by image color.

\”Excellent photo gallery app, Simple and elegant.\”
\”Cloud syncing is like Facebook meet Dropbox. And free of charge!\”


Play video with Quick Seek.
Now we play videos! And we\’ve made a better video player for you:
Display video frame thumbnails when you drag in video.
Watching video is easier and more fun.
Notice: loading video frames might take a few seconds.

Beautiful material design themes and animations!

We have reworked ALL animations to offer you a pure material design experience.
Thanks Google for the amazing material design!

iPhone style photo view. And better than iPhone!
The only photo gallery that can does these:
View photos by Year.
View photos by Date.
Automatically organize photos by date.

Unique cloud backup with Dropbox, Facebook and Amazon cloud drive!
Cloud sync is the most flexible way to backup your photos, subscribe to cloud photos, or manage cloud photos.
If you ever used Dropbox, you can easily use our app.

Backup photos/album to Dropbox/Facebook/Amazon cloud drive
Link your photos/album to a Facebook album. Start syncing. All photos will be backup to Facebook.
If you add more photos to the album, sync again. The new photos will be uploaded.

Using it as a Dropbox/Facebook/Amazon album downloader
It\’s easy. Link the Facebook photo album to an empty local album. Then sync. All photos grabbed.

Using it as a Dropbox/Facebook photo uploader
Same as backuping photos.

Why it is better than Dropbox?
With our unique safe-sync, you can never wrongly deleting photos. (Dropbox does).

Search phone photos by Color
Find photos by Color
Filter photos by Color
Easily search photos
Colors supported: Red, Yellow, Green, Aqua, Blue, Fuchsia, Black, Gray, White.

Handy photo albums organizer
Edit photos
Move photos
Copy photos
Share photos to social network
Set wallpaper
Set contact photo
Create albums
Move albums
Hide albums
Set favorite albums
Scan photos from SDCard. When you transfer photos to SDCard, it can update your gallery.
Add phone photos to albums
Viewing high definition photos

Google+: http://plus.google.com/b/113558386523319279966


File size: 6.11MB

Requires: Android 4.0+

Package Name: com.atomicadd.fotos

Developer: AtomicAdd Team

Updated: July 28, 2019

Price: Free

Rate 4.50 stars – based on 278115 reviews