Hêvî TV & Radio

Download Hêvî TV & Radio Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.

We provide Hêvî TV & Radio 1.2.0 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Hêvî TV & Radio is a free Entertainment app.
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With Hêvî TV application you will have the chance to watch and listen many Kurdish, Turkish, English, Arabic, Persian, Greek, Russian and Azerbaijani TV channels and radio stations on your Android Devices. You can easily get connect with this service as your wish in your homes , at work or even in your as long as you are online. Have a good time.. Note: Besides the programs now in use, we will continue to update our channels and add more channels to our program.

Tip: Do you know you can already navigate between channels by swiping your fingers left to right or right to left.

TV Channels:
Ahl E Bait, Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera English, Alalam, Alforat, Aljazeera Arabic, Astra, A, A Azad, Az, BBC News, Bloomberg, Bugun, CBN Live, CBN News, CNBC-e, CNN International, CNN Türk, Denge, Flash, Fox, Gali Kurdistan, Haber Türk, Hispan, Idman Azerbaycan, IMC, Iran Press, Kanal 24, Kanal 4, Kanal D, KNN, Komala, Korek, Kral Pop, Kral, Kurdistan, KurdMax, KurdMax Pepule, KURDsat, KURDsat News, Med Muzik, Med Nûçe, Medeniyet, Moscow 24, MTC Melli, Nea, Newroz, Nrt, N, Ntv Spor, Payam, Pelistank, Rojhelat, Ronahi, RT America, RT Live, Rudaw, Russia Today, Samanyolu, Sharqiya News, Show, Skai Live, Sky Türk, Speeda, Sports, Star, Stêrk, TGRT Haber, TRT, TRT 6, TRT Belgesel, TRT Cocuk, TRT Haber, TRT Spor, Rain, 10, 100, 8, Vin, Waar, Yumurcak and Zagros.

Radios Stations:
Bangawaz Quran, Damla, Denge Amed, Denge Cudi, Denge Kurdistan, Dengi Kurdsat, Dicle, Dogan 21, Esta, Funkhaus Europa Kurdi, Hawler, Karwan, Kral, Kurd, Kurd Pop, Kurd Mix, Kurd, Metro, Midyat, Nalia, Ntv Spor R, Özgür, Bonekan, Dewran, Duhok, Firat, Firat Pop, Goran, Nawa, Nawxo, Newroz Hawler, Quran Kurdi, Runaky, Xendan, Rengin, Rock, Rojava, Rudaw, Vin, Waar, Yön FM and Zakaria

Version: 1.2.0

File size: 3.00MB

Requires: Android 4.1+

Package Name: com.heviteam.hevitv.android

Developer: Hêvî Team Co, Inc

Updated: May 30, 2019

Price: Free

Rate 4.50 stars – based on 1891 reviews