Yomiwa – Japanese Dictionary and OCR

Download Yomiwa – Japanese Dictionary and OCR Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.

We provide Yomiwa – Japanese Dictionary and OCR 3.6.4 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Yomiwa – Japanese Dictionary and OCR is a free Education app.
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Yomiwa is an easy way to translate Japanese with your camera in real-time.
Yomiwa displays English translations of Japanese characters: single kanjis & full words written with kanjis, hiraganas, katakanas, when you aim at them with the camera . You can also take a picture or upload one from your own files and translate Japanese text in them. Yomiwa also has a built-in drawing feature for you to draw and translate Japanese characters on your touch-screen, in order to learn and practice writing Japanese. Yomiwa also includes a dictionary searchable in Japanese (text or drawing) or English.

Yomiwa works fully offline. Yomiwa can recognize more than 3000 different kanjis and all hiraganas and katakanas.

Yomiwa is perfect for:
– Read and understand Japanese text (newspaper, manga, books,…)
– Learn and study Japanese Kanjis (meaning, reading, drawing, writing)
– Translate Japanese words in everyday life situations
– Instant on-the-go translation when travelling in Japan
– Overcome the language barrier!
– Use as a dictionary

– Translate Japanese characters with your camera or from you stored images (photo gallery, google drive etc.)
– Translate words made of all types of Japanese characters (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana)
– Translate proper names (such as people names, places, locations…)
– Get the Japanese pronunciation of words in roman letters (romaji) or hiragana / katakana.
– Get the meaning of single or combinations of Kanjis
– Draw characters on the screen to translate them and practice writing Japanese
– Read either horizontal or vertical Japanese text

– Copy the recognized characters or their reading by doing a long press on the pop-up
– Open an image with yomiwa directly from an other app by clicking on the \”share\” button

Coming soon:
– Flashcards

Known issues:
– Can\’t import large images on some old devices (memory issue)

Don\’t hesitate to contact the developers at [email protected]

Twitter: twitter.com/YomiwaApp
Facebook: www.facebook.com/yomiwaapp
Instagram: instagram.com/yomiwa

Japanese , English , dictionary , character , kanji , character recognition , OCR , kanji recognizer , writing , drawing , reading , phonetic , hiragana , English translation , translate , translator , electronic dictionary, Japanese-English , translation , meaning , words , camera , translation , image , processing , handwriting , katakana , manga , learn , recognizer , rikaichan , reader , imiwa , picture , text , recognition

Version: 3.6.4

File size: 71.48MB

Requires: Android 4.1+

Package Name: com.yomiwa.yomiwa

Developer: Yomiwa

Updated: August 06, 2019

Price: Free

Rate 4.20 stars – based on 1755 reviews